Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Katie Kat and Her Kittens Caturday Art

Katie Kat had her kittens yesfurday afternoon!
(Katie Kat belonged to a scrapping friend of Katie the Mom and we was just helping him out.)

And her did all the work by herself, ate all the placentas and evfurry thing. She had them in her carrier so Katie Mom Lady helped Katie Kat put all her kittens in the nursing box.

One kitten keeps having trouble finding a nipple, so the Mom am helping. Dats the baby in the middle with the white on da back. The Mom thinks there are three boys and two girl kittens. Will know more when they are bigger.

Katie Kat ate lots of Sheba this morning! And lots of water and Iams dry kitten food. We are going to get some vitamins and milk replacement for Katie Kat today... and lots of bottled water too. The Mom put Katie's food bowl inside the large box so her can eat and not worry about her kittens.

We made purrtee art of Katie Kat and her babies with Luna Pic.

Please keep Katie Kat and her Kittens in your purrz, Katie am a little unsure of herself, she is doing real goods so far.

We are joining Art on Caturday today!

Purrz n Stuffs,

Chiquita, helping mom with blogging today.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Sunday Selfies with Katie the Mommy Kat

Hiya furry peeples! My name am Katie Kat and I loves peeples so much that I has to give them kitty kisses and little nip kisses on the chin! (Katie Kat belonged to a scrapping friend of Katie the Mom and her was just helping him out.)
I am sharing pics from my visit to the vet last month where the Katie Mom found out I was going to have kittens. My tummy was getting big and Katie wanted to know if I was pregnant. The vet shaved my tummy and there was not spay scar...

Well my tummy am gotted even bigger with my kittens growing. We will be updating furry soon when my babies are ready to be borned.

I came to lives with Katie Mom when a friend brought me over cause my human was leaving town and couldn't take me with her. That was back in May

Now am July so please keep my babies and me in your purrs cause my kittens am gonna be ready to see the world anytime now.

We are joining Sunday Selfie Blog hopping! with lots of other kitties to visit.

Thank you fur all your purrz, especially for Katie Mom in a car accident on July Fourth evening. Someone ran a red light and hit the car and her got hurted. If you am on Facebook, you might know about accident. We can't talk now cause her haz lawyer taking care of case. And her changed privacy on FB posts until case am done.

Kitty kisses frum Katie Kat.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Happy Fourth and Catz Meow Trip Mewz


Sweet Katie Kat who am going to be a Mommy soon, wants to wish evfurry fur purr-son a furry safe fourth of July today!
(Katie Kat belonged to a scrapping friend of Katie the Mom and her was helping him out.)

Now fur KFM Mewz Repurrt brought to you by Doobie Davy:

Hiya Furry peeples! I like chillin in a box - good place to hang out and watch the humans go by... Speeking of cats who like to chill, Katie Mom helped out with Catz Meow Transport this past weekend, to gets a kitty named Mustacchio from Iowa to hims mew home in Texas!
Here am Mustacchio chillin out in the rental car Katie Mom gotted for the journey cause our car am getting all wobbly when it am driven over 40mph.

Mustacchio am a young kitty with mild CH - Cerebellular Hypoplasia - a non-progressive, non-contagious neurological condition that results in walking and balance problems.

Mr. Mustacchio knew he was different from other kitties. For one thing, he got to live in the house, instead of the barn! That made him feel special. He watched kitties walk from the window, and noticed they didn’t stagger around, like he did.

His human family saw he was special too and felt he needed to live inside and not out in the barn with the other farm cats. Unfortunately - a grandson was allergic, so they knew they would have to find him a good home.

They posted a video on the Cerebellar Hypoplasia Cats and Kittens Facebook page, and waited. Very soon a wonderful lady saw Mustacchio and knew he was her mew kitty! Her beloved Wobbles had died earlier this year and she wanted a new furry child to love. Volunteers helped Mustacchio get to hims furever home by driving different parts of the route.
And Mustacchio enjoyed the ride hanging out in hims hammock and sometimes sleeping on the way. Took two days of traveling to gets him to his mew Mommy. And Katie Mom was happy to be part of hims journey. 
Dats all the Mewz fur today! We will lets you know when Katie Kat has her kittens. 

Purrz from Doobie Davey
Mewz Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz