ISO information about this wordpress blog that disappeared - link found at 15 and Meowing:
Two Blind Cats and Crew https://twoblindcatsandcrew.wordpress.com/
ML of Cat Blogosphere left her first comment about Sandy Red Tigger Passing
and that's how I found the Cat Blogosphere - one of the kitties below let her know...
Tail of Two Kitties http://smeagolstrider.blogspot.com (2011) and
House Panthers http://housepanthers.blogspot.com (Current Blog 2017)
Butterscotch http://butterscotchkitty.blogspot.com/ Last seen 2007 (pixel kitty blog?)
Cat Eyes http://catwomanflix.blogspot.com (Current Blog 2017)
Crews Views http://crewsviews.blogspot.com (2014 when George passed on)
Gigolo Kitty http://gigolokitty.blogspot.com (2007)
House of Mostly Black Cats http://catsnmom.blogspot.com (2016 Sept 11)
see also HOTMBC and George the Duck last seen in 2016
Meowsers From Missouri http://nels-ed-nitro-xing.blogspot.com (2015)
Patches and Mittens http://thecalicogirls.blogspot.com (Lost kitties and husband 2013)
Kimo and Sabi http://skiptomylatte.blogspot.com (2016)
Victor Tabby Cat http://2tabbys.blogspot.com (2012)
Zeus Excuse http://zeusexcuse.blogspot.com/ (2010)
In Hopes Some Paw Will Step Furward
and Share How Their Humans and
pawsibly new kitties are doing now.
and Share How Their Humans and
pawsibly new kitties are doing now.
Cat Blogosphere Founder - ML, KC Giggleman and Gang http://missyblueeyes.blogspot.com/
Missy Blue Eyes OTRB April 2016 and Taylor Cats http://taylorcatsssss.blogspot.com/
Fuzzy Tales http://keas-fuzzy-tales.blogspot.com/ - We don't know what happened to dis bloggie.
We found this link to Nicki, Chumley and Derry https://sites.google.com/site/keasfurfamily/Home
Skeezix the Cat (blog won't come up)
Skeezix Goes To Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anBAHC927K4
STOPPED IN 2010 or Earlier
ABsharpeii http://absharpeii.blogspot.com/ May 2010
Artsy Catsy http://artsycatsy.blogspot.com/ stopped 2009 blog / 2012 Twitter
Beezle http://85thandahalf.blogspot.com/ Dec 2009
Bonnie Underfoot (OTRB) http://attackofthetabbies.blogspot.com/ May 2008
when Bonnie passed away (I remember her last blog post)
See also House Panthers current blog http://housepanthers.blogspot.com/
Simply Siamese http://simplysiamese.blogspot.com/ September 2010
(See Kaze, Chase and Latte in 2012)
Buster, Misunderstood Mind Of http://bustersmisunderstoodmind.blogspot.com/ June 2010
Cat Line Crew http://catlinecrew.blogspot.com/ February 2010
Cecil the "Cougar" http://cecilthecougar.blogspot.com/ August 2008 Feline Direct Kitty
Cheezitz Colby and Cheddar http://thecheezits.blogspot.com/ October 2009
Emma Petite Kitty http://ablogforemma.blogspot.com/ July 2009 (born 2004)
Kitten Paparazzi https://kittenpaparazzi.blogspot.com/ April 2010
1 Happy Cat http://1happycat.blogspot.com/ August Darby, a sweet silver kitten
A Kitty Named Reese http://akittynamedreese.blogspot.com/ June
Athena Torbie Cat http://athenathetorbiecat.blogspot.com/ November
Arthur and Beowulf http://newcats.blogspot.com/ February
Beau The Southern Gentlemen Cat http://beausbloggie.blogspot.com/ August,
See also Beau's Sunday Sermons August (Beau's Mom is now in Heaven)
Bijou Cat https://bijoucat.wordpress.com/ June
Catmyology http://catymology.blogspot.com/ When Aloysius passed away in September
Captain Jack, Sir Dante and Fagin http://purrageouspirates.blogspot.com/ April on Fagin's Gotcha Day
Cats Stephens http://thecatsstephens.blogspot.com/ April link to new blog (Percy OTRB 2009)
See Also Percy's Place August 2011
e. e. Cattings Poet https://eecattings.com/ December
Figgies Blog (therapy cat) https://therapykitty.blogspot.com/ December
Peggy's Place http://asti009.blogspot.com/ December Bob was 10.
Polydactyl Princess Digi http://polydactyldigit.blogspot.com/ July
Rusty Kitty http://rustykitty.blogspot.com/ May 2011 - Rusty OTRB JUNE 2010
Save Moki The Wobbly Cat http://savemoki.blogspot.com/ September (honoring Beau's Mom Cathy)
See Moki's Facebook Page (April 2016)
Tybalt Prince of Cats http://tybalttheprinceofcats.blogspot.com/ March
4 Ever Pawz / Purr Ever After http://4everpawz.blogspot.com/ January
Ballicus Blog http://www.thommalyngrindstaff.com/ballicai/ April
(Cats of Author Thomma Lynn Grindstaff)
Bengal Business http://bengalbusiness.blogspot.com/ March
Buddy Bear's Cats World http://buddybearscatsworld.blogspot.com/ December
Cat Room with Bonkers http://metaphileo.typepad.com/the_cat_room/ November
Cat Talk with Ariel http://talkwithariel.blogspot.com/ August
Dexter Told Delilah http://dexter-told-delilah.blogspot.com/ August
Fat Eric and Friends http://fatericandfriends.blogspot.com See Also Between Cats (April 2014)
Fizz and Sage http://fage-firstblood.blogspot.com/ June
Flock of Fuzzies http://flockofuzzies.blogspot.com/ July see A Crazy Cat's Life Sept 2016
Furry Paws http://ilovecatnip.blogspot.com/ March
Kaze, Chase and Latte (Simply Siamese) http://thecatsp.blogspot.com/
Mr. R W Emerson OTRB,Jake and Bathsheba OTRB http://mrrwemerson.blogspot.com/
My Grumpy Tail starring Wilfred http://wilfredisgrumpy.blogspot.com/ April
Nomis Little World http://nomislittleworld.blogspot.com/
OK Cats of Oklahoma http://okcats.blogspot.com/ October
Simon's Daily Adventures http://thedailyadventuresofsimon.blogspot.com/ January
Victor Tabby Cat http://2tabbys.blogspot.com/ February
Missy Blue Eyes and ML = we miss you so much! http://missyblueeyes.blogspot.com/ February
Rose and the Royals http://roseandtheroyals.blogspot.com/ The Royals Mom Rose passed
away after surgery... as far as I know the Royals found a home -
Mr. Beau Found a home - gentleman-cat-beau-and-his-new-forever.html
DAISY THE CURLY CAT http://daisythecurlycat.blogspot.com/ IS NOW ON FACE BOOK!
Babe Cattykins http://babecattykins.blogspot.com/ October when Danny Mittens passed away. stopped twittering in 2014
Big Piney Woods Cat http://thecalicogirls.blogspot.com/ May After losing Beautiful Tortie Mittens Polly Paws
Cats in Trees Dushi and Paddyhttps://catsintrees.wordpress.com/ April
Cosmo Kitty https://cosmokitty.wordpress.com/
Crazy Cat Lady Carm http://cclcarm.blogspot.com/ March
Dr. Tweety (2000-2013) and Fab 5 http://fabfivescatzad-vice.blogspot.com/ August when Dr T went Home
Everycat http://everycat.blogspot.com/ (after Gerry died August 2013)
Forever Foster http://foreverfoster.blogspot.com/ September
Lee County Clowder http://leecountyclowder.blogspot.com/ October
See Also Cuddles and Catnip (Feb 2013) and Moonspun Cats (July 2015)
Kirsten Holgate Pet Artist http://kirstynholgate.blogspot.com/ February
Man Cats Club http://mcatclub.blogspot.com/ February
Pitter Patter of Baby Cats http://www.pitterpatsofbabycats.com/
Paw Relations http://thepawrelations.blogspot.com/ stopped Dec
Random Drift With Cecilia http://randomdrift.blogspot.com/ June,
After Honoring Well Beloved Skeezix
Sass Sir Andy Shelly and Sierra http://samandy007.blogspot.com/ last seen 2013
SASS was originally started by Mama/JudiBug with two senior Texas dudes (Sammy and Andy) and later added
two young sisfurs (Shelly and Sierra). Sammy ran off to the Bridge in May of 2012 and Andy April 2013.
Dear, sweet Mama/JudiBug passed in November of 2012, after a short battle with Pancreatic Cancer.
TraciBug tried to keep the blog going.
Abby Normal, Sticks, Worm and Mom Cathy Rowell http://tabbynormal.blogspot.com/ December
Attie Cattie http://attiecattieblog.blogspot.com/ July with photos of Blurpy.
Alex and The Russian Blues (Krasota Castle)http://krasotacastle.blogspot.com/ May
Alexicon Kitty http://alexiconakittykatslifewithhishooman.blogspot.com/ April
And Then There Were Five http://fourfurrycats.blogspot.com/ April
see also House Panthers Current blog http://housepanthers.blogspot.com/
Between Cats - Dora Explorer https://betweencatsblog.wordpress.com/ July Dora turned 4 (Kate Dixon on FaceBook)
Boobah's Little Sunshines http://boo-bahslittlesunshines.blogspot.com/ April
Bwog of the Genius Cat Boy (1993-2014) http://boybwog.blogspot.com/ June (Boy went home)
Camies Kitties http://camieskitties.blogspot.com/ November
Catsparella http://www.catsparella.com/ March
Chesney Cats http://thechesneycats.blogspot.com/ September
Elin Cute Cat (2004-2014) http://a-cat-name-elin.blogspot.com/ July
Foster Kittens aka Elephants Upstairs http://elephantsupstairs.blogspot.com/ April
Freya Bengal Rescue Cat http://www.freyacat.co.uk/ April
Kazoku Neko http://kazokuneko.blogspot.com/ February
Kelly The Orange Cat http://kellietheorangecat.blogspot.ca/ December
Lily Le Mew http://lilylemew.blogspot.com/ August
Sam the Meezer passed away http://therockymountmeezers.blogspot.com/ May
Puffy Puffmeister https://keepmouse.wordpress.com/
and http://mousebreath.com/2014/04/puffy-puffmeister/ May
Pawsome Cats http://www.pawsomecats.com May
Tiger's Lily Pad http://thetigerlilypad2.blogspot.com/ December
Swami Zoe http://swamizoe.blogspot.com/ Retired From Blogging February 2015
Friends of the Cat Blogosphere http://furriendsofthecb.blogspot.com
Boris Kitty http://www.boriskitty.com/ Approximation
Carolina Cats http://2carolinacats.blogspot.com/ November when Buddy went Home
Cat Realm http://thecatrealm.blogspot.com/ August
Cat Tails by Myst and Blackie http://bamacats.blogspot.com/ June
Cat's Meow - Milo and Alfie Marshall https://milocat.wordpress.com/ October
Caturday Blog http://caturdayblog.blogspot.com/ April
Cherry City Kitties http://www.cherrycitykitties.com/ December
Chicats http://chicats.blogspot.com/ May (comments were hacked)
Chloe and Cecil http://chloeandcecil.blogspot.com/ February
Creek Cats http://thecreekcats.blogspot.com/ June
Daisy Mae Maus (Angel) and Toffee Ripple http://daisymaemaus.blogspot.com/ November
Furries of Whispy http://whisppy.blogspot.com/ (they haz doggies too)
Furry Kids http://thefurrykids.blogspot.com/ April
God’s Little People http://godslittlepeople.blogspot.com/ February
Gypsy cats http://thegypsycats.blogspot.com/ August (not found)
see also Camies Kitties http://camieskitties.blogspot.com/ November 2014
Its All About The Meow http://meowbykate.blogspot.com/ December Loss of Nugget
Life With CH Cats https://lifewithchcats.com/ February (Cerebellar Hypoplasia)
Lilacs and Cats http://jcatmom.blogspot.com/ September aka ~ JC and The Purr and Fur Gang
Marsh Wood Cottage http://marshwoodcottage.blogspot.com/ November
Misadventures of Me http://tt-themisadventuresofme.blogspot.com on Blogoversary year 8 June 5 -
now on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TootsAdventures
Mom, Me and Kassey http://greatgranny-greatgranny.blogspot.com/ January - Kassey went Home 2013
Moonspun Cats http://moonspuncats.blogspot.com/ July
Teddy Westlife http://teddywestlife.blogspot.com/ January Huffle Mawson's (2012) Brother
Twinkle Toe Tails Oui Oui and Carl http://twinkletoetails.blogspot.com/ September (Carl 1997 - 2015)
Under The Paw http://littlecatdiaries.blogspot.com/ September Bear Passed away in 2016
Yvonne and Nibbler http://mommayvonneandnibbler.blogspot.com in Secret Paws 2015
2016 When Last Seen
A House With Two Cats http://ahousewithtwocats.blogspot.com/ April
Angel, Junior, Orion and Sammy http://juniorbabee.blogspot.com/ February 6th
Ask Fisher Blog - http://ask-fisher.com May
Batu Khan http://theadventuresofbatukhan.blogspot.com/ January
Batu Khan passed away in 2015 - Welcomed Jamuka Khan
Beau Beau and Angie’s Fur Days http://swicks.blogspot.com November
Billy Sweetfeets Norton Gingersnap http://dancingbillysf.blogspot.com/ (2013 - went OTRB 2016)
See Also Meezer Tails - Honoring Billy's Dance Pawty
Breeze Kitteh http://kittehboi.blogspot.com/ December
Casper's Mom http://caspermom.blogspot.com/ April when Missy Blue Eye's Went Home
Cat Banter with Kimo and Sabi http://catbanter.blogspot.com/ August
Cat Street Boyz http://catstreetboyz.blogspot.com/ August when Gramom and Teak went Home
Many of their kitties went home last year
Cats By The Sea http://catsbythesea.blogspot.com/ Busby OTRB January 2017 source: Facebook
Cat's Cats Fab Five http://catscats-catrina.blogspot.com/ February ML's Birthday Wishes 2012
Cats, Goats, Quotes (Bobbie and Bunch) http://bobbieandbunch.blogspot.com/ March after CatCat passed away
China Cats http://chinacatsblog.blogspot.com/ November
Cokie the Cat and Stray Animals http://cokiethecat.com/ October
Cory Cat Talks http://corycattalks.blogspot.com/ August after Ginger OTRB
Crazy Cat's Life http://acrazycatslife.blogspot.com/ September
Criz Cats http://crizcats.blogspot.my/ July when Mama Jessica went OTRB
Cujo Cats http://cujocatchronicles.blogspot.com/ December
Diva Kitty (Sophia RIP Feb 2016) https://divakitty.wordpress.com/ February after Sophia passed away
Diamond's Lair http://diamondslair.blogspot.com/ October (Diamond went Home)
Faz Calico Kitty http://fazakerly.blogspot.com/ March
Furry Bambinos http://thefurrybambinos.com/ October Samoa went Home
Furry Kids http://thefurrykids.blogspot.com/ April
Furry Tails PDX Pride http://pdxpride.blogspot.com October
Furries of Whispy http://whisppy.blogspot.com/ January
House of Mostly Black Cats and George the Duck http://georgetheduck.com/ June
See their Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/HotMBC)
Kwee Cats and Art http://kweecats.blogspot.com/ August
Ladies of Autumn http://bessthecat.blogspot.com/ March
Momma Grace and Company http://graceandkittens.blogspot.com/ December
ManCat Musings https://mancatmusings.wordpress.com/ August
Marty Denman has several lovely cats! http://marydenman.blogspot.com/ December
Moe and Cookie are Over the Rainbow Bridge http://teamtabby.blogspot.com/ October
Myst the Blogging Cat http://bloggingcat.blogspot.com/ March
Noir’s Nook http://www.noirsnook2015.blogspot.com/ July
Our Furry Boys - http://ourfurryboys.blogspot.com/ All White Kitty Blog - October
Patty Skypants - Bhu http://pattyskypants.blogspot.com/ Passed away in December
Survival of the Furriest http://survivalofthefurriest.blogspot.com/ June
Teddy Westlife http://teddywestlife.blogspot.com/ January
Us Three Coons http://lynx217.blogspot.com October - More on FaceBook
If anyone knows any pawdy you woulds like to honor,
please let us know and we will add their bloggie link.

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