Vet found no blockage in his urethra! Thank Goodness! He was able to express all of Guero's urine. He gave Guero a cortisone shot - $35.00 - no office fee. Found out that Guero saw the vet assistant yesterday and received a duo shot of Convenia (antibiotic) and dextromethorphan (cough med for humans). Apparently Dextro can be used to suppress more than coughs, but is short acting and did not help the swelling.
Last month, Guero was given a Convenia shot and Depo for his UTI. Basically what has happened: As soon as Convenia was out of his system, infection came back. If the UTI comes back again in 12 days, vet will give him a different antibiotic.
Praying that this UTI can get vanquished and Guero won't need an operation to open his urethra.
Katie Kat
and Silvia, Guero's Mom.

First of all thanks so much for all your support of Silvia and her kitty kids...
We have enough funds to pay rent today, plus 25.00 over.
Yet now we need the power of the paw for Guero.
Silvia Espinosa's cat Guero got sick again with bladder/ urinary tract infection over the weekend. She took him to the vet yesterday with a friend - vet gave him a shot of depo and antibiotic. He felt better until last night and started getting worse.
She texted me early this am. All the other cats are upset with him and he is trying to pee everywhere. Will be going to vet in about an hour... Please pray. I have some credit to pay the bill..(I only have 160.00 in credit... I pray the bill will be less than that.) until funds come in from You Caring. Please, please pray for Guero.
Thanks so much, will update later today.
(don't have a smart phone - will update when back at pc)
-can anyone make a badge for me???
Mom Katie
Sending lots of purrs and POTP for Guero xoxo
We sure send lots of purrs to Guero and hope the vet can help the poor cat.
Purrs and prayers from all of us too. I sure hope the all better finds that dear boy soon.
Oh, dear, hope Guero will be okay. It's such a worry when one of our furries is ill.
We are sending purrs and purrayers for Guera and hope the vet can make him feel better.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Oh, Guero, I didn't know you but am so glad to know about you now. Play and purr wherever you may be and I know you are thinking of your nice family who took such good care of you.
Purring for Guera that he recovers from this. Boy cats have a lot of problems with UTIs.
Run free at the Bridge sweet one.. You will never be forgotten!
Weez sendin' purrayers. We know those nasty UTI's awe no fun indeed.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
GUERO!! My man!! You have just gotta get better!! We handsome boys are few so buddy, you must, must, must get all better!!! I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well...Chouchou and I are purring and purring and purring for you to get better and for that nasty UTI to go away...far, far, far away (like to another galaxy far away). From your friend, another handsome cat dude, Elioth (and my sister Chouchou and our dawg brother and sister, Ellwood and Ginger) here at WeezDaBadCats & DaMeenDawgs
Sending purrs and prayers for Guero.
We're sending our purrs and prayers for Guero! We hope this treatment works and he's back to his old self soon!
Praying so hard for Guero - this is so difficult, for all of you and Guero too. I am so sorry you have to go through this.
Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona
Purrs and purrayers from Quinn and prayers from mom Carol
We are adding our purrs for Guero.
Hoping the Vet can find a treatment that works for him and that he feels better soon.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Tweedles.... Guero didn't go over the Rainbow Bridge... He had a bad UTI. Purrz, Katie Kat.
Suzanne... Guero isn't over the Rainbow Bridge... he just needs purrz to get better. - Katie Kat.
Healing purrs for Guero.
Sending POTP for Guero from all of us here at MTM!
Marty and the Gang
Sending lots of POTP for Guero to feel better real soon!!
I have added him to my prayer list, poor kitty.
Prayers for your special boy from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties
Thinking of Guero this morning. I hope the poor fellow is feeling much better by the time you read this.
Purrs and prayers for Guero and Mom Sylvia. They have enough to worry about and now this poor fellow is hurting and feeling down. Hurry and get well soon dear furiend.
Timmy, Dad and Family
Tons of purrs and purrayers from all of us here at the House of the Mostly Black Cats.
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