Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bobby Update and Mew Kitty Needs Home

Hiya. Dis am Bobby and my mew broffur pal Mitchel. Although I miss litter mates, Mitchel sure makes up fur dat! We hangs out together alla time!  

Here we are taking a selfie with the help of my mew Mom Liz. Mitchel am the big orange boy. I am the tabby and white kitty. See how much I growed from last post?
I turned 3 months old on May 14... I lives in Topeka, Kansas now. Hopes to show you more selfies furry soon.

Speaking of mew kitties, Katie Kat am looking after a kitty that belongs to a scrapping friend.  And you nots going to believe dis, but dat kitty am named Kat!  So Katie Mom calls her Katie Kat Too.  Kat's former Mommy gave her to our scrapping friend when she was leaving town and had to move to another state. Her car burned up by a furry bad purson and part of the siding on the house melted too... Dats why Katie Kat has grey soot in her paws and on her tummy and been there for long time.  (any suggestion on how to get the soot out? -Katie Mom) 

Katie Kat am the sweetest kitty who just wants to loves on people.  Please keep her in your purrz datz a mew furever Mommy am found furry soon. 

 Love and Purrz, Bobby and Mitchel

Hiya every peeples! I just loves you and asks fur purrz to helps me find a furever Mommy who loves kitty hugs and nip kisses!  I just gots to be in somebody's lap and gets loves before I can eat my breakfast. I am a small girl and furry goods. I likes other kitties, too.

Dats all today...  

Loves and Loves
Purrz and Purrz
frum Katie Kat Too


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh my word, that is a horrible scenario for a kitten to find herself in! I do hope you get that new and safe home very soon! Oh my look at how bobby has grown, and how well you guys are bonding. I can see this being a lasting friendship, and maybe even one to write about in a blog!
Toodle pips and purrs

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

OH goodness! We hope this beautiful kitty finds the purrfect home soon.

Anonymous said...

Congratss Bobby on yur new home an new Brofur Mitchell. Hee will take you under his paw an guide you. Well dun Bobby.
Katie Kat Two iss a pleasure to meet you. Here iss a link about ree-movin soot frum fur an pawss!
Mee hopess this articull will help Lady Katie to cleen you uppy. Yur a cute kitty gurl. Mee wishess you a good stay there an hope you will let us know how yur doin.
***nose kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

meowmeowmans said...

Hi Bobby! We are glad you're doing so well in your new home!

We are purring and praying that Katie Kat Two finds her forever home soon. Thank you for looking after her until she does.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure hope that dear sweet girl gets to go home soon. Oh Mitchell, you look so very happy!

pilch92 said...

I wish I could adopt this sweetie. Great selfies. XO

Katie and The Katz said...

ooohh thank you sooo muchies Siddhartha. I will tell Katie Mom fur sure...
Purrz from Katie Kat Too.

Lone Star Cats said...

Hope y'all can find furever homes soon!

M Dawson said...

I will share for you Kat! I hope they find you a home!

Linda Arthur Tejera said...

Oh, what a sad and terrible thing. I sure do hope you get your furrever home -- and soon!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

You guys are all so adorable! What a sad story about Katie Kat's background... hope she finds her furever home soon!