Mouse E. Cat went over the Rainbow Bridge early Sunday Morning... We don't knows why. Could be lots of things. Hur was old and lots of health problems likes corn allergiez. Hur had gotted cataracts and one time gotted all hur teef pulled! We iz gonna miss hur lots and lotz. Her waz furry sweet and never complaned bout nuffin.
Hur purred loudly and snuggled in Mom's arms. She also like to have hur bak end skritched. Mouse waz 16 years old.
(Mom's Comment: loosing Mouse right now is very heartbreaking... she was the last of my oldest babies and the sweetest cat I have ever known. Will tell her story in a later blog when I can compose myself to write it.)
Mom will know what dat Sonogram found bout hur liver on January 13... in da meen times, We iz gonna be down whiles Mom changes stuffoms.
When we gets back we shows u whats we gotted from our Secret Paw.... (Cory)
Bye Bye,
Katie n Katie Too.
P. S. If anybodiez coods help wif Mousie's memorial expenses (cremation and box is $195.00 at Pet Traditions), we haz sum fings we cood give u.
A Snuggly - it am 15 in x 15 in and reversable!
Mr. Snuggles - him iz bout 1 1/2 hands size and ceramic.
Him kin hold fings or beze a small planter.
Froggy, the Toilet Lid Cover.
Pleeze add five dollars to your gift for shipping and handling. Thanks for helping us pay for Mousies memorial.
You kin use the button below to gives and let us know which fing u likes... (or we sinds u a surprise sumpin.)
Thanks fur all your purrz n support...
- Katie Too