Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Monday, May 28, 2018

We Remembers Hero Cat and How You Can Be Hero Too


Furstly we wants to say thank you to all our friends who comes by to commints - Katie Mom am been working so hard helping us kitties and stuffs that her gets to bed furry late and furry tired - so we hazn't been visiting our friends like we want to... Howsumever there am Sumpins us Katie Katz likes to talk about on Memorial Day am how animals haz been furry brave. Here am the story of  a furry brave Cat... (resource: Priceonomics)

The Most Decorated Cat in Military History

During World War I, the British army employed nearly 500,000 of the felines to fend off unwanted critters on land and at sea; nearly every World War II vessel had at least one aboard at all times. Yet Simon stood out for his outstanding valor. His efforts for Britain’s Royal Navy during World War II -- first surviving a brutal attack that killed his caretaker, then proceeding to annihilate rats and raise the morale of his crew -- made him a national hero and earned him the prestigious Dickin Medal. He is the only cat to ever receive the award.

In the Spring of 1948, while walking along a busy naval shipyard on Stonecutter’s Island in Hong Kong, British seaman George Hickinbottom spotted a tiny, “undernourished and feeble” cat making his way across the docks.  Seaman smuggled him onto the ship and he soon became ship's cat, getting rid of rats and boosting morale with his antics like leaving dead rats in the seaman's bed and sleeping in the Captain's hat. 

Then On April 20, 1949 during an attack from the People's Liberation Army, Simon was injured with shrapnel. After the attack, while the men were being attended to medics, Simon slunk away into the deep of the ship to heal. Missing for several days, the crew thought Simon had died, only to have him emerge looking for food and water. A medic tried to patch him up the best he could, yet Simon insisted on taking out the shrapnel himself and wanted to get back to work as soon as possible as the Ship's cat. To read more of his story and how he won his medal for bravery... click on the title or follow these links:

Furry Lates selfie and other stuffs that am happening with Katiez Katz and Friends... and how you can be a Hero today.
Mitchell (left) Bobby (right)

Furst ofs all... Our Sunday Selfies am furry lates: a mew selfie from Mitchel and Bobby, hanging out with Mom Liz... Sent yesfurday. Katie Mom and Uncle Mike worked furry hard trying to helps us kitties and friends by cleaning two good stoves to sell at a friend's flea market booth. They got them delivered to the flea market just before closing, so they will be up fur sale next week. (And den Uncle Mike and Katie Mom waz furry busy this morning feeding us kitties and trying to sell another stove too, but the stove was one inch too big)

Furry Good mewz: KFM did a memorial for Natasha, one of Silvia's cats over a month ago - there was a miscommunication: Natasha is still with us!! 

Yet Natasha still needs our help. She and her Mom Narcisca have anxiety after storms or rain and won't eat right until it's over. Yet they haven't been eating right since last rain and now need to see vet due to diarrhea and throwing up what little food they are eating. 

Both need to see vet who wants to take x-rays and blood work before treating their chronic condition again. One of them has had blood work already, yet still need blood work on Natasha and x-rays on both. If anyone could even help a little bit toward their vet visit would be greatly appreciated... Natasha and Mama Narcisca need to be seen ASAP. You can call Arapahoe Vet Clinic and place credit on Silvia Espinosa's Account at (316) 262-6491

Debra sells plants at the same flea market that we haz the stoves fur sale. She lost her kitty to FIP this past week.  We helped her get him into see a vet who gave him a B12 shot. Just made him feel better for a few days, yet gave time for Debra and her sweet Baby Gabie (rhymes with baby) to say goodbye. She is selling her plants to pay for his urn ($172). So far there is only 25.00.

Please help Silvia and Debra by paypal
to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bobby Update and Mew Kitty Needs Home

Hiya. Dis am Bobby and my mew broffur pal Mitchel. Although I miss litter mates, Mitchel sure makes up fur dat! We hangs out together alla time!  

Here we are taking a selfie with the help of my mew Mom Liz. Mitchel am the big orange boy. I am the tabby and white kitty. See how much I growed from last post?
I turned 3 months old on May 14... I lives in Topeka, Kansas now. Hopes to show you more selfies furry soon.

Speaking of mew kitties, Katie Kat am looking after a kitty that belongs to a scrapping friend.  And you nots going to believe dis, but dat kitty am named Kat!  So Katie Mom calls her Katie Kat Too.  Kat's former Mommy gave her to our scrapping friend when she was leaving town and had to move to another state. Her car burned up by a furry bad purson and part of the siding on the house melted too... Dats why Katie Kat has grey soot in her paws and on her tummy and been there for long time.  (any suggestion on how to get the soot out? -Katie Mom) 

Katie Kat am the sweetest kitty who just wants to loves on people.  Please keep her in your purrz datz a mew furever Mommy am found furry soon. 

 Love and Purrz, Bobby and Mitchel

Hiya every peeples! I just loves you and asks fur purrz to helps me find a furever Mommy who loves kitty hugs and nip kisses!  I just gots to be in somebody's lap and gets loves before I can eat my breakfast. I am a small girl and furry goods. I likes other kitties, too.

Dats all today...  

Loves and Loves
Purrz and Purrz
frum Katie Kat Too

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day From KFM

Mommy'z tired frum a long day at neighborhood cleanup yesfurday getting metal stuffoms fur us so that we haz foods and litter and homes and vet visits and stuffs....

so Ize helping with this post and wishing all the Kitty and Doggy Mommy's lots of cuddles with their Fur babies today

Love and Purrz from
Chiquita and all the kitties at
Katiez Furry Mewz 

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Kittens and The Big Adventure Plus Kitty Vet Visits

This am Andy... Guess where we went on Furry Friday???

On our big adventure to haz our opurrayshuns and find our furever homes!  And Bobby went to hims furever home. Now waz to reminds evfurryone that our Mommy Molly belongs to Silvia, a friend of Katie the Mom and dats we were not rescues or strays or nuffin like that.

 Furst Katie Mom helped us take our selfies. The lighting was furry golden looking. In Birth Order: Luna, Bobby and then Me, Andy Lil Tigger.

Luna Pumpkin
Bobby Big Boy
Andy Lil Tigger

We am only eleven weeks old and already over 3 pounds. I am going to be the biggest boy!

And then Luna and I gotted in one carrier and Bobby in another carrier.

And Katie Mom put us in a small rental truck... yep a truck. She forgotted to take photos. Extented cab and very good ride fur two hours... 
I complained why dis ride take so long, but mostly we felled asleep. Bobby rode in front so Katie Mom could talks to him and him not be so lonely on the ride. Me, I cuddled with Luna so her not scared. I was furry brave.

And den we gotted to a town called Manhattan and we went into another big truck! K-State Mobile Vet Unit.
Did you see the sign on the truck? PetSmart Charities Helps dogs and cats get their surgeries!!

And Wayz... we did furry goods after surgery. Me, I wanted to chew on the puppy pads cause I was furry hungry! Luna was still mostly asleep though. After that, Natalie the nice lady who owns Cattails in Manhattan took Luna and me back to her house and gave us yucky pills fur our sneezing. And we went to Petco on Saturday to meet people. And we had another adventure there...and did real goods.

Now Katie Mom after our surgeries tooks Bobby to another town called Toe-Peeka or sumpin. Don't know why folks want to peek at toes. Me I want to play with them and smell them. Toes smell funny. Andy Wayz, Bobby gots to meet hims new Mom, a friend of Katie Mom, and hims New Housemates!

That's Mitchel on the right who am two years old and now a big lion ginger kitty! 

Bobby gotted hims yucky pill fur sneezing with food wrapped around it. Den him ates, went to potty and felled asleep. Dis am Mitchel and Bobby playing on Saturday.

Please keep us kittens in your purrz, especially fur Me and Luna as we looks fur our furever Mommies and Daddies!
Purrz n Stuffs,
Andy Lil Tigger

Mama Narcisca
Now fur Katie Mom's Update: Please keep these kitties in your purrz: Silvia's Mama Cat Narcisca and Ronnie both went to the vets yesterday...

Mama got a pill at the vets yesterday morning to help with her appetite as she had not been wanting to eat for over a day...
Ronnie at ER

and Ronnie who had symptoms of a UTI as he tried to go and threw up instead. Silvia and I went with him to ER last night and a gracious lady helped pay his bill. Ronnie thank goodness was not plugged up but he was dehydrated and upset tummy. He will be seeing the vet tomorrow for a follow up.

Oreo Robinson
Also another cat, I helped take to the vet yesterday afternoon, His name is Oreo and belongs to friend named Jean who scraps metal - He has a nasal cold or allergy - He will be on prednisilone fur a few days to see if his coughing clears up... Please keep him in your purrz too.

We have had lots of expenses this weekend, and so very thankful for the kind stranger who helped pay for Ronnie at the ER... If you have a few greenies as the kitties call them to spare, would be greatly appreciated... 

Please consider Paypal as a gift to friends at laugh_safely at yahoo dot com.

Purrz and Nose kisses from
Katie Kat all the kitties
at Katiez Furry Mewz.