Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Little Jade am need your purrz

Jade am gotted bigger already since Wednesday - 19 ounces now instead of 16!! Jade was a kitten of a Mama cat belonging to the local Tractor Supply Company. 

(Please see last blog postie Thankful Fur Kitty Fings)

Mom helped Jade have fun with arts at Luna Pic floating effect.

Jade need purrz that we finds her a furever Mommy furry soon...

Her am furry lonely and wants to play alla times...Her wobbles when her plays. Jade's favorite toy am Mom's legs!

Her am little and we haz no rooms fur her to stay in... so her has a kennel suite in the laundry room.

More updates furry soon... especially about whether Jade has Cerebellar Hypoplasia...

Purrz from the Katie Katz. 

(our phone including the camera am acting furry weird lucky dat Jade gotted some cute selfies while playing  - plz purr fur us a mew phone too.)

Caturday Art

Raspberry Sunday Selfies


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Heres hoping Jade is OK, and gets that forever family. She looks so very sweet and loving, and playful too. Love that she has a whole suite to herself, how cool and luxurious is that!
Toodle pips and purrs and prayers

Smudge said...

Oh, dear sweet little Jade is such a beauty. I sure hope she finds herself a new furrever home real soon.

Katie Isabella said...

Bless her dear heart. Love to her. XXX

Brian's Home Blog said...

Jade is so darn cute, we sure hope her true love finds her soon. We still don’t have internet and are working on cellular which sure isn’t easy.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

So so cute!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

The Swiss Cats said...

What a cute little girl ! We hope she finds a forever home soon ! Purrs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Jade is cute. Hope she continues to do well and finds a place to stay.

pilch92 said...

I hope Jade gets a forever home soon.

Photo Cache said...

Aren't you the cutest little thing?

Emma and Buster

meowmeowmans said...

Little Jade is hugely adorable. We're purring and praying she finds a forever home SOON!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

jade....sendin lotz oh best fizhez taht ya findz N iz IN yur foreverz home bye weekz end ~~~~~~~~~~~ st francis' blessingz two ewe wee one ☺☺♥♥♥

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Sendin lotss of luv an purrayerss an POTP to wee Jade! An Lady Katie mee hopess you can get a new fone soon....iss all ways sumfing issn't it???
***nose kissesss*** Purrince Siddhartha xXx