Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Healing Purrz and Funds Needed Fur Chiquita

Last Sunday, dear Chiquita was hiding under the bed and would not come out...
Chiqui's red ear deep inside.
When I finally got her out from under the bed, she ran to the laundry room shelf behind the curtains. Her face and nose were red and she favored her right ear. These visible signs of something wrong were not there Saturday. My first thought - she had jumped off the bed in the night when I kicked covers off and banged her head on the metal bath chair at the foot of the bed.

She would not let me near and ran under the bed again. Hoping to her get out later that day, I went on to work. Coming home after nine pm, brother and I got her to run onto the laundry room shelf. I could tell her face and ears were swollen. Brother helped me get Chiquita into a carrier. She and I went to Emergency Vet Clinic. Brother went home to bed - he gets up at 4 AM for work.

At the ER Vet Clinic, found out Chiquita was running a temp and right ear was red and covered in crust and way down inside, right ear starting to get red too. Vet found two mammary glands also swollen. Suspecting mites or fungal infection, vet took samples of dried up scrappings and checked the microscope, yet only found opportunistic bacteria - no mites or fungal problems. ER vet suspected allergy or immune mediated response.

Just made no sense that this much swelling in her ear would happen over night. Apparent that the places on her chest were older so the rash seemed to have spread from her chest to her face.

Before leaving ER Vet, Chiquita received an anti-bacterial shot and Monday morning, I made an appointment for Chiquita to see Dr. Johnson at Willowbend Animal Hospital on Tuesday.

Tuesday, I'm with Chiquita at vets. Doc checked for yeast infection in her ear and found several more inflamed spots on her body besides the two on mammary glands. One on her back by her tail. The sores on her face and infection in her right ear. Ear mites and ring worm were ruled out. If allergy then prednisilone can help yet no telling what the allergen is. Dr. Johnson said that to completely know if this was an immune disease would require biopsy... Too expensive. Re-tested for FLV (she had leukemia shot when spayed) and tested for FIV since he had no records that those tests had been done, did blood chemistry. Got prednisilone pills for the rash and Tresaderm for her ear infection - to be given twice a day for ten days.

Tests came back on Wednesday. Negative for FLV and FIV. CBC blood chemistry did not show anything that explained this sudden onset of rash. At least she takes pills well and has been letting me put the meds in her ear this week. The rash on her mammary glands is much better and swelling on her face is down. 

Her poor ear is much less red. She has lost a lot of fur on her ear that hopefully grows back. All still a mystery as to the cause of the rash. Dr. Johnson suggested trying a different food with a meat protein that Chiquita has not had before. I am hoping to get something to try soon. Has anyone had a similar situation? Thought for sure it was mites, but no sign at all. Until we know what caused rash, could come back.

Chiqui really could use your help in paying her bill. Spent over $400 on my emergency Care Credit. This is all been a shock to us and poor Chiqui as well.

Any amt would help pay on her care credit. Please help with anything at all to Paypal gift to friends laugh_safely at yahoo dot com. Fur Chiquita's sake, thank you so much. Any amount will be sent directly to Care Credit bill.


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Katie Kat and Kittens Selfies

Hiya, This am Katie Kat the Mama Cat. I belonged to a scrapping friend of Katie Kat the purrson. We hoped to gets back to evfurry one yesfurday....
(by the way a very big part of our town has power outage due to raining and storm all night - Nana and her kitty Bibi has no power right now.)

Katie Mom was furry tired and her phone won't take photos (update or lack of memory corrupted the camera) ... so we borrowed Uncle Mike's phone fur my babies to takes their furry furst selfies with Katie Mom and Uncle Mike. My five kids are 36 days old and love to eat turkey Fancy Feast. and Iams Kitten wet foods. I still nurse them a few times every day too.

Joshua and Uncle Mike
Furst off am my chubby long haired boy Joshua. He had trouble getting a good selfie cause he am a wiggle boy. I think this one am really goods. Uncle Mike am holding him...

Little Joy

Here am my only daughter, Joy. She is furry sweet and smaller than my boys... She wanted to do something with color fur her selfie....

Then Adam, my smart little tabby boy,
and sweet Isaac - he is my other chubby long haired boy!


Lil Caleb

 And cutie Caleb!  He has fuzzy fur and white hairs on hims legs... He is a real sweetheart.

What do you think of my children?

Please purrz that we all find the bestest furever homes....

-Katie Kat, the Mama Cat

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Furry Goods Short Thankful Jade Update

Little Ms Jade am in a wonderful Foster Home near Manhattan, Kansas... Jade was a kitten of a Mama cat belonging to the local Tractor Supply Company.

A transport pawson tooks her up there yesfurday along with another rescued kitty.

Jade is now only showing a slight unbalancing - slight sideway walk when she is plays. but nothing real noticeable... Her mew foster Mommy who also has CH kitties will help her lots and lots.

Her mew foster Mommy loves her soo much. she says that Jade am a hoot! so furry playful and loves to cuddle. 

More furry good mewz on Caturday!! 

 Brian's Home Thankful Thursday Returns to Normal!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Little Jade am need your purrz

Jade am gotted bigger already since Wednesday - 19 ounces now instead of 16!! Jade was a kitten of a Mama cat belonging to the local Tractor Supply Company. 

(Please see last blog postie Thankful Fur Kitty Fings)

Mom helped Jade have fun with arts at Luna Pic floating effect.

Jade need purrz that we finds her a furever Mommy furry soon...

Her am furry lonely and wants to play alla times...Her wobbles when her plays. Jade's favorite toy am Mom's legs!

Her am little and we haz no rooms fur her to stay in... so her has a kennel suite in the laundry room.

More updates furry soon... especially about whether Jade has Cerebellar Hypoplasia...

Purrz from the Katie Katz. 

(our phone including the camera am acting furry weird lucky dat Jade gotted some cute selfies while playing  - plz purr fur us a mew phone too.)

Caturday Art

Raspberry Sunday Selfies

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Thankful Fur Kitty Fings

We am thankful for little fings... like Katie Kat and her Kittens are doing real goods and healthy (the mom spoils Katie and gives her lots of foods all day: Adam (tabby), Joshua and Caleb (longhair black) Joy and Isaac (tabby and white). The mew photos were taken last week. The Mom will takes more furry soon. Katie Kat belonged to a scrapping friend of Katie Kat the Mom purrson.
Katie Kat & newborn kittens July 4

Katie Kat & her kittens on August 4.

Joy and Isaac

More kitten photos

First visit about cyst our Vet

10 year old Maxwell has been to the vet twice... once in July to check an abscess on his shoulder - appears to be a cyst of some sort. May need surgery to take off.... the second time was to ER on Sunday when he would not stop sneezing from a possible allergy and his ears were red. No charge at the ER because the vet was busy and only saw the vet tech. 

Max's Second visit to ER Allergies?

The vet suggested Clemastine, but we could not get that so we been giving Max chlortabs. The chlortabs made him sleepy so Uncle Mike and Katie Mom stopped giving him that. He does seem some better and not sneezing. We will keeps you up to date on Max.. He has also lost weight. 

And two more fings before we go today cause Mom has to go to works in fifteen minutes and stuff... Mom was in a car accident a month ago and caused by the other driver and their insurance American Family has still not helped do anything about the totaled car. more about that later. we are thankful that Mom's injuries are getting taken care of by a lawyer..

Jade the Mew 6-8wk old kitten with CH

And yesfurday the Mom saw an almost 2 month old kitten named Jade whose mommy belongs to the Tractor Supply where we gets our litter... underweight only one pound and ate lots and lots in two days!
Her may has mild Cerebellar Hypoplasia. We am thankful that Mom was asked to kitty sit Jade cause Mom knows what symptoms are fur CH. Jade's head trembles when her tries to hold it steady and her little legs tremor. She wobbles when she walks. Sometimes her hind legs go backwards before going forward. More stuffs furry soon... to be continued.

purrz from Chiquita and the Katie Katz. 

This am fur the Thankful Thursday bloggin...