1. Trains. Weze dont likes trains! Dey iz bigs n loudz n cums by all days longs and all nites longs! Dey is furry bads! We kins sees dem rolling by our housee jus a leap over a fence on da uver side ov da Hiway! We dont knohs wat deys iz but dey is furree scaree!
2. Motocyclez... Weze dont knoh what dat iz, but dey gets louds n scaree goin down da hiway.
3. Da Hiway!! We gots a furry bads hiway in our baks yard! Cars goh furry fast!
Why day do dat? dey runs over woofee n kittehs n ovur fings. Dey dont stops or nuffin! Dat furry bads, too!
& one morh ting fur goods mezhure
4. Vakooom Kleenur. Dey sucks ups dirt n stuffoms. But dey iz big furry noisee monstur!!! Dey mites sucks up furree baybees! Stays away frum dem! ummm... its okay ifns dey sucks up bad buggees like spidurz doh.
Okay... weze dun. Dis heres n opens MeMe to any furree buddees wants to tells
dehr top three tingies dats dey dont likes!

Pweze Remember dats big Planes are not toys...
Dey dont gohs into buildings.
Shame on Al-Kaida! U shoods play niselee wif papur planes.
Dont evfurs do dat agin!!
DONT Mess Wif USA! K?
Great! The meme I wuz looking for! I'll write about it tomorrow :)
We remember too! Great meme!
"Pweze Remember dats big Planes are not toys...
Dey dont gohs into buildings.
Shame on Al-Kaida! U shoods play niselee wif papur planes.
Dont evfurs do dat agin!!"
We could not have said it better ourselves!!
We wanted to let you know that we gave you award on our bloggie today. Stop by when you get a chance to pick it up!!
We posted the winning Dare and I Dare You to accept the challenge!
Hey there! I just wanted to stop by and say hi!
We don't like loud noisy things either, ESPECIALLY not cars or motorcycles.
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