Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Narcisca - Purrs Fur Healing Selfies

Update: Mama Narcisca is doing some better - she is eating but still needs our prayers and funds for testing...

Today's selfies am brought to you by Narcisca, Silvia's Mama cat ...

Narcisca keeps having bouts of not eating and throwing up food.

Only symptom known is constipation and she was treated for only a few weeks ago. 

So Vet wants to do tests asap before giving her any more medication to find any possible cause. 

Yet cost for the tests and office fee will cost up to $200. Last month Silvia lost Natasha from asthma attack because of no funds. 

We need to take her as soon as possible. We almost have enough to take her in from scrapping funds, just need about 50.00 more.

If you can, please PayPal to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com using gift to friends

Donations can also be made by placing credit on (Silvia Espinosa's account for Narcisca at Arapaho Veterinary Clinic 316 262 6491 - be sure to tell them this is credit toward bringing Narcisca in for testing, not paying on a bill.)

 Thanks and God Bless you.


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh my, that doesn't sound good at all. I sure do hope that the funds come in for her ASAP so she can get treatment.
Toodle pips and purrs

pilch92 said...

I am sorry she is not feeling well, I will be praying for her. I wish I could donate, but I just spent over $700 on Tallulah and another $300 on Emmy's cardiologist.

Katie and The Katz said...

oh my, I hope Tallulah and Emmy are doing well.

Katie and The Katz said...

Thanks Erin, we just need a little bit more - I updated the post. -Katie Kat.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure hope that sweetie gal will be okay. We wish we could help but we've yet to recover from all we spent on Angel Sascha and Angel Kit.

Anonymous said...

Precious Narcisca mee sent mee treet $money$ to mee furend Milita fur her treetmint this month...mee has no xtra. Mee iss sorry. An LadyMum iss overdrawn $400. all so. Shee iss sorry all so.
Mee iss purrayin that other peepull more well off then us can help mee iss sendin you POTP to get well soon!
Sincerelee, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

M Dawson said...

If I had any money I'd be first in line. I aim to earn more to help. YOU deserve it more than anyone.