Katie Mom: Well we haven't been blogging because Bear lost his head.
Lu Lu Girl: Bear lost his.. what??? Bear am over there. Him has his head.

Katie Mom: Let me show you, Lu Lu...
Lu Lu: How him do dat???? What Happen?
Katie Mom: Sometime between St. Patrick's Day and April Fool's Day, I was taking some photos of Bear to show how he was getting a bit chubby since his nootering... When I took a photo, his head was gone and I have been looking for his head ever since.
Lu Lu: How we gonna find hims head???
Katie Mom: I have looked all through the house and his head is just not here.
Lu Lu: Me go tell Bear...
Katie Mom: no... no, don't tell him. Bear might get confused and run around in circles and bump into something.... Let's leave him to cat nap while we look somewhere else... Bear's head might be in another photo! I'll look in the computer files...

Lu Lu: Where? Did you find him's head?
Katie Mom: No... not in the computer... Maybe an internet search, "Where is Lil Bear's Head."... Oh that's odd, I found his head! But how did Bear's head get there?

Lu Lu: Me Look Me look! Dat am Bear Head... how him Head get in castle?
Katie Mom: Not sure... We have to find where this photo was taken!! We have to bring Bear's Head home so we can start blogging again!!!
Lu Lu: Mom go der - git Bear's head and we kin blog again? where am dat castle?
Katie Mom: Well I know this is somewhere in Kansas... so we'll have to start there.
Lu Lu: Maybe bloggin frindz kin finds hims head??? And dey kin tells us where dat am!
Oh Hai! We amz sooo thankful fur all our furry frinds onda inner netz!!!
If you kin figure out wher Bears head am... pleeze leeves a commints so Mom kin go dehr and get Bearz head!!!
Furr just helping and purrticipatin in looking fur Bearz Head, you kin haves dis awards fur your bloggie:
Chirps n Meows n stuffs,
Lu Lu Girl
P. S. Oreo went to the vet on Monday and got a wellness check. FIV and FLV Negative!!! Whoopee! He will be getting nootered on Friday... so pleez purr fur him. More Mewz about that tonight...
What a well travelled head you have Bear!
Oh no! His head! It looks like it might be... maybe in the UK somewhere? perhaps Ireland? - Crepes.
We aren't sure where Bear's head is, but we sure hope some kitty knows so your mom can go and get it!
Has Bear's head got locked in a cupboard?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Actually the castle is somewhere in Kansas... Hint: Try searching for castles in Kansas
Bear you look like you're in England are you? Thank you for stopping by and visiting us today.
We guess the Coronada Heights castle. Not sure if we spelled that right. Hope you can go get Bear's head. It is good to see you all back and thanks again for the nice birthday wishes for our Person. Take care
Dang, I don't really know. Toto lives in Kansas but I am pretty sure that isn't his house.
Hmmm tis a mystery. We don't has any castles around our house, so I don't think it's where we live. I think it's in England cuz I've heard they have castles over there. I would mind visiting
England, so if you want to make a trip, I'd be happy to go with.
Is his head in the haunted castle at Coronado Height in, KS?
Hmmmm.... Me thinks dat Marg and Jan mite know where Bears head am!!! Wow! Me go tell Mom and have her look in Coronado Heights. The best way to get there is thru Lindsborg, Kansas.... Purrz, LuLu
We're glad that you got lots of help finding Bear's head. He's going to get hungry if he can't get it back soon so he can eat!
Gosh - a missing head means no nommy treats or good! This is not good....I'll be on the lookout for Bear's head for sure.....if I see a spare one that might fit even if it's not his I'll let you know too!
Hugs, Sammy
We're not sure where Bear's head went, but we hope it shows up real soon!
Hooray for Oreo! :)
So much fun looking fur his head MOL
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