Mommie gotz most reviewz of Rainy Day Memory... made sumbuddi laff even... Iz dis poem...funni??? I dunno...

I gotz no idea why peeple laff at me aniwayz.... dey jus do dat. No sé porqué la gente se ríe de mí. ¿Por qué ellos hacen eso? Je ne sais pas pourquoi les gens rient de moi. Pourquoi font-ils cela?
Poor kitty! I had to give my kitty a bath once because he got fleas. He didn't like it too much. It got rid of the fleas, though. They say if you have allergies it helps to bathe your cat to get the dander off.
That's FUNNY!
Poor kitty! Mine get baths but always gets extra petting afterwards. That one just looks.....upset.
I think he's a Persian by the look of his wittle nosie...
a cat oh my god thats a cat it looks like something out of lord of the rings like Golom on a bad hair day.
That is just about the weirdest thing i've seen all week.
Sumbuddi sent dis foto to Mommie. I putz it hair cuz dis funni.
-Katie Kitty II
(Oh Goodie... Glad I made your day. I get wet mohr ofun den...-White Persian Kitty)
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