Hi ya evfurry buddeez! Dis hear iz Miss Bootsie Woo repurrtin! Mawmee finelee gotted a jobbee! She werk did all lass weeks soh we gifs hur rest frum helpin us due our blog writin.

Den we gotted on da inturnets Sunday nites late n founded dat Daisy's sisfur Pixie gotted tired n wents home ovfur da Raneboh brij....
So we wants ta leve dis hear news frum Touched By Angel Kitteh...
And we gotted dis hear award frum Purrageous Pirates. About a week ago.

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her Blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated
We needs ta gets Mawmee to go sleepy now...she gotsta gets up in 3 hours.
So we nomintatin 3 today n den 4 more on toosdy
1. Daisy the Curly Cat
2. Jans Funny Farm
3. Gandalf n Grayson
We go tells dem now and go sleepy. bye bye.
Lil Miss Bootsie Woo n Stuffoms.