Our Mawm is bin ills so we iz lates!
We iz wishin evfurryone a Meowy Chrissymouse
and hopes dat Hanukkahs waz nicest too!

Bootsie Woo
Daisy May
Maxwell Tigger
Granma Nana and Bibi!
(dats Bibi lookin out fur snow! Weze Gotted Snowed!)

Here is our littel tree....
Dat white package is frum our Secret Paw!

.Dis our tree at nite wif lights init! All colorz.
And dis our stuffums...
Nativities and purrtee candles.

Oh bring us sum cat nippiez, oh bring us sum catnippiez, oh bring us some catnippiez
cuz we haz bin good!!
We thank evfurryone who iz binz caring bout us dis year. Ifns we havs ur email addy, we is sendin a speshul card
and purrs to helps u when u needs a frind!!
Plez purr fur our Mom. Hur is getting a sonogram of ur liver on Monday.
da hospital found

Hey how come I didnt find nuffin??? I scanned hur reel goods!
SEE?!? Wate... dats a Katie Too Scan - never minds.
We lets u know what dey finds in mom's liver.
Mom sez dis coods be sompin bads... so we iz purrin.
-Katie Too.
Clik dis fing fur a Chrissymouse card.
-For God so loved the world... -John 3:16