Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Purrz Fur Gordo and A Thankful Thursday...

Purrz Fur Thursday and Some Thankfulness Too.

We missed last Sunday Selfies and Wordless Wednesdays too...
Cause Katie Mom am been all tired.  Her and Silvia and poor Gordo had to go to ER Vet last Saturday.  Nana (that's Katie Mom's Mom) been sick too - and her still needs purrz.

Late last Saturday night Katie Mom took Silvia and Gordo to ER who had an unknown fever. (You may have read last week about Gordo not feeling well and going to vets.)  ER ran tests - nothing conclusive and no fever, yet vet gave Gordo shot for pain/fever. 

Even though the Mom was up all night Saturday at the ER Vet so we couldn't blog on Sunnyday, we am so furry thankful that the ER visit was almost completely paid from folks in Face Book group called Just Cat Things.  Of the nearly 300 dollar bill, Silvia paid 40 and the Mom only had to pay 20 from our helping kitties fund.

Monday, Silvia took Gordo for follow up to her vet (Arapahoe), where Gordo's fever went up. He got an antibiotic shot. 

Then yesterday, Silvia took Gordo back to vet because of blood in his urine and bladder spasms. He received shot for pain.  (Daddy Alex paid for visit) Yet if he had antibiotic shot Monday - why blood in urine Thursday? Katie Mom am worried about relying on Convenia over other antibiotics. According to ER Clinic, there is another antibiotic shot cats can have -  ER Vet would have given Gordo different antibiotic shot if blood work showed infection.  

Gordo am doing better today - we am still worried about him.
Please keep him in your purrz.
Katie Mom and Silvia are also thankful that there were donations to pay the rent this week and last week.  Daddy Alex is getting works now, yet takes time to has enoughs for rent, food and for the kitties. We haz about 60.00 to help with rent for next week.  

We are purring that Gordo stays well. Katie Mom am worried about mold in their motel room... Several months ago, lots of mold was removed from bathroom and the spores may still be causing mysterious illnesses, like Natasha having asthma and Gordo getting sick, plus Silvia having headaches.

More thankful things though - That us Katiez Katz are staying fairly well! Although some of us needs checkups like me, Katie Too cause I am 12 going on 13 ( I was born in October or November).

Thankful Things and Purrful things.
Katie Kitty Too Repurrting from Mom's Lap.
Time Fur Nappy in Mom's Lappy

P. S. Yesterday was May the Fourth Be With You...
And Today we am wishing all
A Happy Cinco De Mayo.

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Deziz World said...

We's sendin' lots of purrayers. And altho' helpin' is always a good thing it musn't be done at da expense of resident kitties.

Luv ya'


Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure wish we could help, but I ate Dad's wallet.

pilch92 said...

I am praying for Gordo. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Noodle Cat said...

Sending lots of purrs and prayers...
Have a wonderful weekend.

Noodle and crew

View From My Pram said...

PepiSmartDog: hope your kitteh makes a fast recovery. Never any fun being unwell. Sending you prayers.
Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We always love your posts.
Hope to see you again this week too. Have a great week! *waves paw* :=o)