Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thankful For Kitties Saved and Kitties Loved

Hiya evfurryone... furst of all this am Katie Kitty Too.
I had my Gotcha Day last month. I am 14 years young and Mom had her birthday ten days ago...and her am a gazillion years old now.

Well the Mom am bin tired from working hard to help us kitties - so her skipped having a blog pawty fur herself... and we forgotted to post on Valentines!


Before the Mom goes back to working hard scrapping metal to help us kitties, we haz some thankful things to share:

Orange Boy who is about a year old is one of the kitties
rescued from a motel parking lot several weeks ago. Last Friday, he went to Cattails Manhattan, Kansas to find hims furever home.  Sweet boy went fur a vet checkup last Wednesday - he lost sight in his left eye from an injury when he was only six or seven months old.  He gained weight since his rescue - yay!  

And he gotted some worm meds so hims stool am much better. Although he was furry patient with the vet and the assistant, we weren't able to test him fur FIV/FLV yet because him is a big boy who not likes needles to steel hims bloods! Hopefully, Cattails will be able to test him furry soon...

One of our other rescues from the motel parking lot, Molly One (Chiquita's mommy) - had two beautiful kittens last night or early this morning. Mom checked on her this morning and her was nursing two wiggly babies. Her am protective of them so this photo am a bit dark...

Please keep Molly One and her babies in your purrz. One of the babies is black and white, the other is purry dark tabby and hard to see in the photo.

And lastly - we wants to honor our furry blogging friend, Brian's Home - Sister Kit went over the bridge last week. Furry sads - yet we are joyfully thankful that Sister Kit had a wonderful long life with her sisters and brother Brian, with one of the bestest families on the internets. Run and play like a kitten again Dear Sister Kit with Sister Sascha, until we see you again.

Purrz from Katie Kitty Too
Jr. Executive.
Katie the Mom and all The Katie Katz

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Birthday Pawty, Foster Kitties and a Guest Selfie Too

update: the Monday pawty haz bin postponed to later this week... 
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<

Just a few kitty selfies: 
Miss Peach, hanging out in a rare sunny puddle back in January... (furry cold today)

Litter mates Chica (left) and Chico (right) hanging out in the carrier together

A Kitty at a Farm that Katie Mom went to yesfurday to pick up scrap metal for raising funds. They gots lots of kitties, peacocks and cattle and Old Trucks!

More photos and stuffs tomorrow cause that am Katie Mom's Birthday! We will haz a small celebration and you am invited to bring your own catnips!!

And we will show you some photos from the Wichita Cat Fancy Show today... Mom am going there furry soon.   Her missed going yesfurday and today am the last day!!

Purrz from Chiquita, helping Katie Mom type today.