Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thankful fur Good Friday and Many Blessings.

Lil Tigger wants to thank all our friends fur purrs and loves... Dis photo was just after him gots a full tummy nursing from Mama Molly.  Sisfur Luna and brofur Bobby are doing furry goods

We am thankful fur Good Friday,
Passover and Many Blessings.

Silvia's Mama Narcisca am eating some - she still may be constipated. Hoping to get her tests soon.  Please purr also fur Ronnie who snuck out banged his head into a slow moving car - thankfully looks like he only has a broken tooth.

This am furry short cause Katie Mom has to go to works and pick up scrap and stuffs

We are also furry glad it not rains yet today!

The kittens are doing well and even Chica, older sisfur from another litter loves them!

Chica in front - sweet girl love babies

Me, I am still learning to likes other kitties - I was the only survivor of my litter mates. Chica, Chico and Little Kittens Luna, Bobby and Tigger are all my family cause we haz the same Mama Molly. I iz still afraids of them though... Please purr that I can learns to likes my family... and remember my Mama Molly.

More photos furry soon of my family...  
Chiquita Formerly Feral Kitty
wishing evfurryone a Happy Good Friday and Happy Passover.

 L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim 

Next year in Jerusalem
לשנה הבאה בירושלים

Purr Ess - The Tabby Cat Club am having an Easter Celebration on Sunday! So you can wears you finest Easter Bonnet and purrticipate... Purrz from all the tabbies at Katiez Furry Mewz.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Narcisca - Purrs Fur Healing Selfies

Update: Mama Narcisca is doing some better - she is eating but still needs our prayers and funds for testing...

Today's selfies am brought to you by Narcisca, Silvia's Mama cat ...

Narcisca keeps having bouts of not eating and throwing up food.

Only symptom known is constipation and she was treated for only a few weeks ago. 

So Vet wants to do tests asap before giving her any more medication to find any possible cause. 

Yet cost for the tests and office fee will cost up to $200. Last month Silvia lost Natasha from asthma attack because of no funds. 

We need to take her as soon as possible. We almost have enough to take her in from scrapping funds, just need about 50.00 more.

If you can, please PayPal to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com using gift to friends

Donations can also be made by placing credit on (Silvia Espinosa's account for Narcisca at Arapaho Veterinary Clinic 316 262 6491 - be sure to tell them this is credit toward bringing Narcisca in for testing, not paying on a bill.)

 Thanks and God Bless you.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

More Molly's Kittens Photos

Hiya Furry Internet Friends...
This am Chiquita helping my furry young half siblings take mew selfies yesfurday.

Howsumever they am a wee bit fuzzy...
ittens are still learning to stay still during selfies! MOL.


Big Boy needs a mew name. A friend suggested his own name, Kevin MOL... Katie Mom likes Donnie - Him am a Mama's boy and loves to eat.

He was licking hims toes from foodies - you can see some bits of food in the photo by his back. Then hims brother and sister came to play!

That's Little Tigger in the back and Luna in the middle. Luna wants to wrestle.

Lil Tigger went back to be with mom after awhile.

Howsomever, they all nibbled on Sheba after they played and then they tooks a nap. At least that's when we remembers... I know they hads some yummies to eats and they liked it. They still nursing but Big Boy likes to has Mom to himself. Til next times!

-Chiquita Repurrting Fur
Katiez Furry Mewz

Dis Am a blog hop!!
  Sunday Birthday Selfies!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Kittens are One Month Old

Cutie Patooties....(Mostly Wordless)

Luna (Harvest Moon)
Luna the first born. 
(Likes licking turkey baby food off Katie Mom's fingers)

Big Boy am more fraidy.

Big Boy - Second born... 
(Him needs a mew name)

Tigger the Explorer

Lil Tigger, Third born 
(12 hours later)

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Angel Does the Kitty Loaf

Hiya innernet blogging fur peeple...

This am Angel Two the Fetch Kitty blogging today.

I hads heard so much about Kitty Loafs at
and at their Facebook page
that I decided to try it for a selfie.

So what do you think?

Did I get the technique right?

If you wants to learn more about Kitty Loafing, you can reads about the kitties of Kitty - Arya and Django at the Mouse Breath interview by Jan's Funny Farm.

We are sharing dis interview cause Jan's computer am being furry bad and so the Funny Farmers can't get on the innernets right nows... Plz keep them in your purrz that Jan gets her pooter power back furry soon!

Purrz from
Doing the Kitty Loaf