Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Kittens Went to the Vets and Did Good

Hiya Evfurry ones!  We wents to the vets fur the furst time on furryday um Friday.  We am ten weeks and four days old, almost 3 months and we are already over 3 pounds each! Now waz to reminds evfurryone that our Mommy Molly belongs to Silvia, a friend of Katie the Mom and dats we are not rescues or strays or nuffin like that.

From left to right: Andy, Bobby and Luna

And we did good at the vet! 
We gotted our FVRCP vaccination and yucky stuff to swallow fur wormies.

We were just a little bit scared. We all gotted weighed.
Me, dats Bobby, weighed 3 pounds.
My sisfur Luna weighed 3.05 pounds
and My broffur Andy am growing real bigs! He weighed 3.30 pounds.

Plz purr fur Andy, cause him keeps sneezing and then i sneezed a little yesfurday too. (by the way, Andy wants to learn how to use the toilet! He watched Katie Mom and went to use the sink!)

Katie Mom says we will haz more adventure on Friday, something about going to a furry good rescue to gets an opurrayshun. Luna and Andy will find wonderful homes too.

I gets to meet my mew Mommy! Her lives someplace called Topeka.

Well Dats all fur now. More interesting fings later. 

Thanks fur keeping us in your purrz fur our adventures, and Molly our kitty Mommy too who am lonely without us...
(Kittens are now in their own room getting to know people better... cause their Mommy am feral, yet she does have her older son and daughter, Chico and Chica to be with... -Katie Kat)

Bobby the Purr Machine.
and Katie the Mom.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Lots of Kitty Mewz and Purrz

Hiya evfurry one, Angel here with my under the coat selfie (yes this my coat to cuddle in, Katie Mom gotted it fur free fur us kitties to snuggle on).

We haz bin taking long naps and needs to catch you ups on the latest fings happening in April!!

Furst, the kittens are growing bigger and are over two months old. Bobby will be going to hims mew home furry soon and hims broffur and sisfur will be going to a furry goods rescue who has lots of good cats who loves kittens so they can haz a good role model dats dehr are good humans that loves them...  cause dehr Mom Molly am a scaredy girl around Katie Mom... 

Bobby will has mew big brothers to play wifs too...   
Mitchel as kitten.
Like Mitchel, a kitty dats Mom helped rescue a few years ago. Mitchel am grown up now... and need mew brother to play with

Katie Mom met furry interesting kitties lately while picking up metal stuff fur raising money fur us.

Dis Orange kitty am Roo.  He am a service cat and a dwarf Maine Coon. He was born with shorter front legs and a curved spine. He wasn't supposed to live and was going to be PTS - can you imagine that!?!?  He am the bestest kitty and helps Daddy by telling him when he am going to haz bad headaches by putting toys in Daddy's shoes!! He tell Daddy you can't go out today, you am need to rest... and he help Daddy stay focused too. What a good boy!! Roo love Daddy and guard him alla time.

And this am Billy - he am a silver Bengal dat was left behind. Billy found a human to look after him when he was kitten and furry sick with infected eyes. Now Billy am healthy and loved, yet lost some sight in one eye. Him human hope to find Billy a real home though... cause indoor kitties don't get along with him.

And more fings to purr about... several kitties went to vets this month...

Guero and Mama Narcisca both need purrz. Guero had PU surgery few years ago to help him go potty. Sometimes him gets a UTI. Mama Narcisca am having trouble wanting to eats and getting constipated.  They both seen the doctor last week. Guero had a shot to helps him feel better, but may still need antibiotics.

Narcisca had bloodwork done - all am normal range - her needs purrz to help her appetite.

And yesfurday, Chiquita jumped out of Mom's sock drawer too fast and hurted her right hind leg. Katie Mom and Uncle Mike went to the vets and had her leg checked out. Chiquita let Dr. J check her leg and him say not swollen...
but Chiquita am afraid to put weight on it and am hobbling around the house, so her am taking pain meds. If her keeps limping then will has to get x-ray. Chiquita was furry goods at vet and looked at Katie Mom to know dat everything okay. Dr. J like Chiquita furry much and hope her leg be better soon.  

Well dat da Mewz updates and lot of kitty selfies today.

Please purr fur Guero, Narcisca and Chiquita that they will get better furry soon...


Purrz from Angel II the Mewz Repurrter,
Katiez Furry Mewz.

P.S. Me will repurrt more mewz when we gets more commints.. and turkey. Bear say not til he gets mor chicken... so ifs you can figure out how to commints and give Bear Chicken and me some turkey... den we will posts agin.

-Angel the Formerly Fetch Kitty.