(Katie Kat belonged to a scrapping friend of Katie the Mom and her was helping him out.)

Hiya Furry peeples! I like chillin in a box - good place to hang out and watch the humans go by... Speeking of cats who like to chill, Katie Mom helped out with Catz Meow Transport this past weekend, to gets a kitty named Mustacchio from Iowa to hims mew home in Texas!
Here am Mustacchio chillin out in the rental car Katie Mom gotted for the journey cause our car am getting all wobbly when it am driven over 40mph.
Mustacchio am a young kitty with mild CH - Cerebellular Hypoplasia - a non-progressive, non-contagious neurological condition that results in walking and balance problems.
Mr. Mustacchio knew he was different from other kitties. For one thing, he got to live in the house, instead of the barn! That made him feel special. He watched kitties walk from the window, and noticed they didn’t stagger around, like he did.
His human family saw he was special too and felt he needed to live inside and not out in the barn with the other farm cats. Unfortunately - a grandson was allergic, so they knew they would have to find him a good home.
They posted a video on the Cerebellar Hypoplasia Cats and Kittens Facebook page, and waited. Very soon a wonderful lady saw Mustacchio and knew he was her mew kitty! Her beloved Wobbles had died earlier this year and she wanted a new furry child to love. Volunteers helped Mustacchio get to hims furever home by driving different parts of the route.
And Mustacchio enjoyed the ride hanging out in hims hammock and sometimes sleeping on the way. Took two days of traveling to gets him to his mew Mommy. And Katie Mom was happy to be part of hims journey.
Dats all the Mewz fur today! We will lets you know when Katie Kat has her kittens.
Purrz from Doobie Davey
Mewz Repurrter
Katiez Furry Mewz
Thank you for everything, Kat! <3
Happy 4th, friends!!!
Happy 4th to all you cuties!XO
That was a wonderful report and we are so very happy for sweet Mustacchio! Happy Independence Day sweet friends.
May your coming months we filled with blessings for the hard work and care you have given and the good deed done.
Happy 4th to all. Katie looks very purretty. Glad awnty Katie was able to help such a sweet kitty find his happy furever. Big hugs
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
That's such awesome news about Mustacchio! :)
Happy Independence Day to you, dear pals!
What a wonderful story and we are thrilled that Mustacchio found such a good home. Have a great day.
What an incredible story, happy to hear that Mustachhio has a new loving home. Good job with all of the hard work you do. Really enjoyed reading this blog post.
World of Animals
Mustacchio; dood.....we send de veree best oh flounder friez N halibutt that ya haz mannee yeerz oh happee N healhtee in yur new for everz.....984 paws UP two everee one who helped get ewe frum point A ta B ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥ ewe rock ~~~~~
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