Im not a funni Katie right now...
well... maybe.... cud be...
I tink I jus hang onto 2 dis branchie.
well... maybe.... cud be...
I tink I jus hang onto 2 dis branchie.

Mommi say if she inta New York, she cud du funni shtik and dey wud laff...
but here in dis wittle town she not so sure bout dat.
but here in dis wittle town she not so sure bout dat.
So she gotta get serious jobbie... So she dont fall down....
but Mommi gonna keep goin... cuz she wuv hur hubbie.
cuz she owe hur big brudder n sistur dis huggie...
n a fishie toy fur dehr doggie... she wunder if dey laff at dah pixturs she gave way... cuz datz all dat waz fur... ta give lafter away on hims purrth-day...
she wike ta draw rohses n I wike smellin dem.
she wanna draw pixturz n France... dey speek purr-tee.
My step brudder Bear... he purr when da Newz guyz speakin French...
Mommi say bohn jur awot... what dat fur?
I go sleepi on monitur now... i cold n it warm.
bye bye.
if you're monitor is getting warm then you should really turn off the computer cos it could over heat.
Probably... The monitor or the computer? Cause the computer is a tower.
Bad habit to let kitties sleep on monitors.
Usually she sleeps in my lap, though.
You know what...
I was going to take this down, cuz I thought Katie's shtik was dumb...
But after watching Red Skelton--
This is actually funny.
I gotta stop laughing now.
this is still funni.
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