Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Got Prozak?

"In order to laugh at something, it is totally necessary: .
1) to know what you are laughing at
2) to know why you are laughing
3) to ask some people why they think you are laughing
4) to jot down a few notes
5) to Laugh . Even then, the thing may not be cleared up for dayz."
-Robert Benchley
(from the Introduction in The Great Movie Comedians by Leonard Maltin)

Friday, April 14, 2006

For Da Bunniez

This iz fur all da bunniez out dehr....


bye bye.

Happi Passovur  - Who Let the Jews Out?
(updated: original link missing)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

2 B Fair...Are dogz funni?

Sum purrson comment dat dey dont wike catz... Sohz maybe dey tink dogz iz funnier. I dunno. Deyz kinda serious.

I tink dey need sum help...


Monday, April 03, 2006

Please Dry Me

Mommie gotz most reviewz of Rainy Day Memory... made sumbuddi laff even... Iz dis poem...funni??? I dunno...



I gotz no idea why peeple laff at me aniwayz.... dey jus do dat. No sé porqué la gente se ríe de mí. ¿Por qué ellos hacen eso? Je ne sais pas pourquoi les gens rient de moi. Pourquoi font-ils cela?