Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Sum Furry Furstdid Fotos

Looks at wat weze found!! Some old fotohs of me and Puzzles my Mommee. Dis here waz Puzzles... She was a little gurlHere she iz furree sick wifs numohnyah... Katrin missus hur....
I don't remembur much cuz I was 1 monfs old when shewent ovfur the bridge.
Herez sum reel funnee fotohz whnz
I was just weeks old in 1989
Pweez rubs my tummee! (5 weeks)

Tat waz a skweekee toy.... I thot it was weerd... cuz it not had no fur!!! Sohz Katrin Gotted me a fuzzy bear.
Here iz my 3 Coompear to Bear fotohs:

1 Year Old!!! in 1990 >>>>
Hopez sums uvs y'all gots to seez a Pashun play furr Rezuerrecshun Sunday 2008....
Weze sawz one dis morning on ta inturnetz! Dat waz spektakularlee amayzing!
Ize Seen 19 Easturs!! And dats was da day Katrin Savedid Mee!!
Cuz Puzzlez was sick and I losted my bruther and sistur....
Katrin feds me wif an eyedropper!!
Remembur dat Life iz Beeyootieefull
and it's okayz to be Eccentrically Meshuganeh!!
Happee Eastur, Pureemz, and Passovfur...
Spunky Boo Bear and Katrin.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Katrin.... datz my mummee purrson. I callz hur Katrin cuz I knohz datz hur naym.... butz I had sum toofees remoofed sum two yehrz agohz... I don't like talkin so much now. But I luvz my Katrin... She rayzed me frum 3 dayz old!!! She taught me lotz uv wordz and I knohz all uv tat...
Katrin gotz the scannur workin... Sheze gonna luk fur moh fotoz and post dem heer to Celabrate my 19th Good Furree Day!!! Ize Made It to 19 yehrz old! Wellz not offishally.... In 1979 - Good Furry Day waz in Aprul... But IZe been true 19 Good Furry Days!!
Soh Looks Fur an Updated Parts As weze here at the Laftur Saftee Valv Comeeshun
Celabrate dat Mirakul uv Life --
Ize waz a mirakul on Good Furry Day 1979 and Ize Still HEAR!!
And Ize a Big Fan uv Jeezuz... jus likes Richard Belzer. (L&O: SVU)
My Kittee Puzzles mommee waz dyin uv numonyah. She wuz a tuxie likes Katee Too And Bootsie. Ize waznt saposed ta be alive, butz IZE DID!!! Katrin fed meez wit eye droppur an Ize jus da size uv hur hand.
Katrin Mommee naymed me Spunkee cuz in da dikshunary Spunkee comed from da werd Sponge and dats an old old word meaning Redeemed. Bet u didnt knoz dat. Bet u thot Spunky just meen dat I gotz Chutspah or sumpeen funnee in British stuffinz... Now uze knohz bettur.
So Dehr...now uze all have a Happee Katurday
And BEE Excellant to Ones anuffur!!
Puzzles' Spunky "Boo Boo" Bear.
Jr. Exec CEO (Certified Eccentric & Ornery)
Lafter Saftee Valve Comeeshun
Friday, March 21, 2008
Bootsie Furry Furstid Foto


Monday, March 17, 2008
Daisy iz a Daffodilly

Hey dats not fair!!!

( Oopsies, Ize complainin 'gin..)
-Katie Ann Kitty Too. =^..^=
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Bye Bye Snow Baby
He was 15 1/2...
with lots of probwems wif hiz tummy and took insulin shotz
Weze gonna miss him lotz...