Day amz doin purrtee good
and look like healin purrtee good so far.
Dey bin hidin in carryairz cuz dey am shy and still a bit sore... dey eatin otayz... one ate too mush windy nite and barfed... yuk!
mai bruffers be shy babiez and silly hissy sumtimes. Not ME!!
nope... Ai lurves mai Katie Mom... hur am Mama
Ai tellz hur... Ai wuf u and den I kisses her. srsly i do dat.
But I am shy of big male hoomanz... I lurves mai gurls... Katie Mom, Miri mai sisfur and da vets lady.
I'm da baby.... Gotta lurves me!
Mama give longer repurrts after shabbat day tammoo row nite... I finks.
Miri... how u spell tamoo rose???
oh... Tomorrow nite!
Bye bye... Mama sez me n Toby am nex to gets our stuffoms shrunk... we don know what dat am iz but me n Toby am lover boyz and got small stuffoms so we aint gonna miss dat none!
otay. kthx purrr prrr purrrrrrrrz
Sir Sammy Purrzalot
Shabbat Shalom!!!
Psalm 91
John 3:16.