Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Itty Bitty Ninja Kitten Meeting

Hello Ninja Cat Members and Visitors, Joey the Space Cat here.

In honor of Summer's Cat World Domination Day Party yesfurday... (and World Domination Kitty Mewz)

At today's Ninja Cat meeting we introduces you to four mew Ninja Kittens and their Ninja Mom, Baby Girl.


Here am their furry first Selfie... they was borned on June 5. 

Their Mama, Baby Girl am just over a year old - borned in April 2016. Baby Girl and her mew ninja kittens are staying in bathroom fur now while they gets old enough to start their takeover training in few more weeks...

Katie Mom tooks kittens and mom fur vet checkup yesfurday to gets antibiotics fur kittens eyes. 

Baby Girl has Mysterious Fever, pawsibly caused by one of the following Ninja Cat Enemies: Zombie Dinosaurs, SPECTRE (Bond) or Chaos (Get Smart).

Dr. Johnson, a Ninja Cat Suppurrter, gave Katie Mom Clavamox, a good antidote fur Mysterious Fever.  Please keep these mew Ninja Kittens and their Ninja Mom in your purrz...

Also Auntie Silvia's Mama Kitty Narcisca has not been well, not eating right and having diarrhea... we sure could use more funds to takes her to vet and get her well too. 

To helps suppurt these Mew Ninja kittens, Mama Baby Girl and Narcsica, please paypal to laugh_safely at Yahoo dot com.

Now back to our secret Ninja cat meeting... who would likes to take secret code notes today?

 -Purrz from Joey, Nike Space Cat...


Erin the Cat Princess said...

I does hope that the mystery fever gets sorted by vet 007! and that Silvia gets her money to take sweet Narcisca to the vets very soon.
Purrs, Erin

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those little sweeties are so cute and that Mom Kitty sure is pretty!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What beautiful, precious babies. Purrs for all of you...

pilch92 said...

Such cuties. I hope everyone feels better soon.

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Aww..cute first selfie, little one👍 Healing Pawkisses to all of you😽❤😻

Dash Kitten Crew said...

We are sorry to be MIA for so long. It is good to see you, and hear about the kittens. Are they doing OK I am catching up and feel out of touch.

Happy Sunday and enjoy summer.