Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Friday in Manhattan Kansas Kittens in Carriers Selfies

Heather and Colby
Cheddar and Pepper Jack
Katie the Mom helped us take our selfies just before we went into the K-State Mobile Vet unit in Manhattan, Kansas... on Furry Day - 10 o'clock Friday Morning.

Now we are at Cat Tails Manhattan getting loves and yummy foods... We will be fostered furry soon to help us keep socializing til we visit Petco where we will wow the sockies off uf evfurry bodies who meets us!!!  Please purr fur us dat da bestest furever mommies and daddies find us furry soon!

Please purr fur our Mommy Giselle who is Katie Mom's mew kitty. Giselle needs checked cause her mammary glands are too full...  Purring that her not has fever and stuffs. Katie Mom wants to take her to vets fur checkup.
Purrz from Giselle's kittens
and Katie the Foster Mom. 

From Katie the Mom:
Please keep Silvia's Mama Cat Narcisca in your prayers. She has quit eating and has become lethargic.  She needs checked to find out what is wrong...


Dash Kitten Crew said...

We will not give up hope for Narcisa. Have a good Sunday.

Happy Sunday Selfie from the Dash Kitten Crew

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good luck sweet little ones. We're purring for your Mama and dear Narcisa too.

pilch92 said...

You are all always in my prayers. XO

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

All you sweet kittss mee an LadyMew are purrayin fore you!! Yore all so adoorabell you WILL find fur ever homess. Mee-yow Giselle mee frend mee hopes this will not bee seereus an you can get better soon! Mee worried!
An Narcisca wee purrat fore you too! Pleese eat, pleese....
***purrsss*** yore frend, BellaDharma

meowmeowmans said...

We hope those little sweet babies find their happily ever afters real soon. And we are purring and praying for Narcisa and Giselle to be okay.

Little Miss Titch said...

Hope Narcisa and Giselle feel better soon,and those kittens so cute,xx Speedy

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Sending lots of purrs for you all, and may good things happen and all be well...

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're happy your mom has a new cat to keep her company. We hope Giselle is okay. And Silvia's Mama Cat Narcisca too.