Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Tomorrow Am Giselle's and Kittens' Big Day

Hiya furry friends and humans, Katie the Mom here
Tomorrow I will be transporting Giselle and her kids to Manhattan, Kansas - two and half hour drive to the KU mobile vet unit to have their operations and shots. Please keep us all in your purrz for the drive there and successful surgeries.

Cheddar, Colby, Pepper Jack (PJ) and Heather will stay in Manhattan with Cat Tails Manhattan to find their furever homes... 

Giselle (Gigi) will be coming back to my mom aka Nana - Mom is still missing Bibi - yet her house is just too empty with out a fur companion.

My camera phone is still acting oddly - hopefully soon will be able to afford a new phone.  Today will work on getting some new photos of the kittens - they have really grown. The kittens will be 11 weeks old this Sunday. Will share those photos this weekend.

We are so thankful that the motel owner gave us Gigi and her babies day after Labor Day - miserable rainy September 4th to save their lives. Looking forward to seeing how they do at Cattails Rescue Manhattan where another foster will look after them until they find their furever homes....

How sum ever to get the car ready for the trip two tires had to be taken care of. One bald and going flat every 8 hours - had to be replaced. The other was not holding air - slow leak. Went to U-Save Tires yesterday morning - very honest business that shares everything they do before they work.  Come to find out that the tire not holding air had a nail and rim was too dirty to make a seal. 

So far the cost to get car ready for trip tomorrow was 93.53 - money was borrowed from a donator and has to be repaid back. And the right rear keeps making a squeaky noise that needs checked tonight - been making that noise since the brakes on that wheel were replaced a few weeks ago.  Please purr we find out the source of that noise! If it is the shock - will have to wait to change out until back from the trip and when funds are available.  Well we will talk to you later - hopefully from Giselle's purrspective on the whole ordeal. 

We sure need your purrz for this life-saving trip - and if you can help with repaying our gracious friend who let us borrow emergency funds, you would be a part of something wonderful - saving five precious lives abandoned and homeless on a rainy day Labor Day Weekend.

Purrz from Katie and the Katz
Giselle, Cheddar, Colby, P.J. and Heather

(Please make donations to paypal at laugh_safely at yahoo dot com - thank your so furry much for your loves and support)


Sandee said...

We donate to places that save kitties. We have for years. It's a good thing. I hope the car makes it to and from.

Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

We're all sending purrs for a nice and easy surgery day all around! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

pilch92 said...

I will be praying for you all.

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Sendin purrsss an purrayerss to you Giselle an yore 4 lovelee kittss!! Colby an Peppurr Jack Cheddar an Heather wee wish you Guud Luck from snowy Canada fore THE next chapturr of yore livess!! Wee iss sure efurryone will find a fur ever home soon.
An Giselle GiGi mee say an ztra purrayer that you an Nanna will connect....
Miss Kaite mee knows LadyMew iss still missin angel Unkell Siddhartha so mee doess mee best to play toys with her an let her brush mee an mee ven watchess a bit of TVee with wuud bee wonder full if Nanna an GiGi cuud bee frendss like mee an LadyMew!
***purrsss*** an Love, BellaDharma