Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Orange Orphaned Kittens Need Your Purrz

***We inter-purrts our regularly scheduled Sunday Selfies...*** 
Look who need furever homes fur Christmas!!
Katie Mom am furry sads that their Mommy died mysteriously recently.

They are 5 weeks old and this am their furry furst group selfie and dey will need names too!

 The Lady they belong to said we could see them tomorrow. We were possibly going to see them this morning - that's why we hadn't posted yet. They won't be staying with us, they just visiting until a rescue picks them up.

Speaking of colds it am snowing here today so we are not going out on the covered porch with all the frosty snow there... brrz.

And the Mom am staying home from work cause we only gots old scrap truck fur transportation today. The car that Uncle Mike and Mom used to take Giselle and her kittens to Manhattan broke down last Sunday, just two days after the trip! We now need to buy another car. Both cars are down fur the count (the other car was totaled in accident July 4th with Mom driving- other car ran red light).

Good Mewz though about our former foster kittens! Natalie at Cattails Rescue told the Mom that Giselle's kittens - all the Cheese boys, (Cheddar, Colby, Pepper Jack) and daughter Heather found furever homes at Petco Manhattan, Kansas yesfurday!! If you haz Facebook, you can see a video of Cheddar who can Haz Cheezburger toy. MOL Cheddar and Hims Cheezburger. To reads about Giselle's kittens who are not pictured here, please see Giselle and Kittens Posts

Dats all fur now... we will keep you posted about this latest develorpurrment. 

Purrz from Miss Peach and Chiquita,
KFM Sunday Newz


Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Meow mewo Miss Peach an Chquita what FURABULUSS mews that thee Cheeze boys an Heather gotted 'dopted!!! Wee are so-o happy fore them all.
Wee are sad 'bout thee 2 carss beein broked tho'. As LadyMew sayss "Iss all ways sumthing!!!" Mee sayss "FISHCAKESS!"
Those sweet little orangey kits!! So teeny an so sad their Mumma died. Mee will purray fore them to SkyCat to make them strong an healthee. Mee asked LadyMew what namess wuud bee guud fore thee kittss an here they are from left to rite: Tangerine; Tawny; Pumpkin; Orange Spice (Spicey) an you like any of THE namess?? THE kitt on rite side DOES look like hee/shee has a 'halo' on top of head.....
LadyMew lovess to name kittss...or any creeture shee can!!!! MOL...
Wee hope you can get rid of fleas an get them kittss eaten guud!
Sendin ~~head rubsss~~ an Love an ***purrrsss**BellaDharma an ((hugs)) LadyMew

The Swiss Cats said...

Yay for the Cheese boys ! We're sorry to hear about the two cars, and we cross our paws for the orange kittens. Purrs

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thank you for helping out those sweet little orange ones.

Katie and The Katz said...

I love those names! Now if I can just figure out who is who when they come over tomorrow... purrz from Katie the Mom

Katie and The Katz said...

Thank you all so furry much. <3

Katie and The Katz said...

Thanks Brian. We we doo our furry best. - Chiquita who sometimes is ok with strange kitties.

pilch92 said...

Such cuties. I will be praying for them.

Lone Star Cats said...

Sending dem lotsa purrs.

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Catzowey ! IT'S Meowvalous news you say the red heads got adopted! YAY

M Dawson said...

We hope the kittns will be OK. Their poor mum - gone?

Katie and The Katz said...

well da red heads in the blue tub are still needing adopted! The ones that gotted adopted are in the blogpost from earlier in the month and there were two redheads in that litter too! I can update the post with a pic of the adopted kitties or a link to previous blogpost. <3

Katie and The Katz said...

yes and it am furry sad. she was found in the driveway gone home...

Katie and The Katz said...

thank you soo much! <3

Katie and The Katz said...

thank you so much fur purring fur us alla time <3

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh they are so cute– we are so sad about their mom passing like that though. I do hope that they get big and strong and then find forever loving homes ASAP. I do also hope that you find another car, too, as that is a major loss especially as you have works to do and kittens to move.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Such sweeties.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Meow meow Miss Katie Mum you will figure out who iss who!! Yore an amazin Cat Lady!!!
**purrsss** BellaDharma