Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Furry Orange Kittens Update and Mom am Furry Sick

Hiya Furry Peeples!  Chiquita here helping the Mom fur Blogging today.  Just figures though that I finally gotted her up reelly early to gets a blog post dun and her was sick!!  Her throat am all swollen up and don't know why - plz purr fur our Mom. Might be strep. Her has to do lots of talking at work as a telephone interviewer and was going to gets a really goods amount of hours this week. and now her can hardly talk.  Thank you fur you purrz and stuffs.

Now abouts those furry five orange kittens from the last post! Here am some more Furry Goods orange Selfies!

Kittens crawling all over Katie Mom

Kitten & Lady who came to pick them up
Well the lady who losted her mommy cat, she kept one kitten to loves and Katie Mom kitty-sat 4 kittens until a rescue picked them up... They just visited fur one day. The Mom found out that three are boys and one seems to be a girl. And her decided the girl was Halo as suggested by Bella Dharma in commints in last post in the photo of the kittens in blue tub! They are 5 weeks old and the boys are over one pound, but the girl was only 15 ounces, and all her wanted to do was sleep in Mommy's shirt! 

They was only with us fur one night and then a wonderful lady from a rescue called Wichita Animal Action League picked up the furry sweeties and tooks them to one of their fosters with lots of room until they are big enough to get fixed and find furever homes!

Here am the four orange kittens under the Christmas Tree at their mew foster home.

We sure hopes they all finds the bestest furever homes fur Christmas and the Mew Year!

Purrz of Loves and Stuffs,
KFM Sunday Selfie Newz 



catladymac said...

Purrayers & POTP for Katie Mom and all you kitties !

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm sure glad those sweet kittens are off to foster and we're all sending purrs to the Mom!

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Chiquita fore reel?? Little gurl iss called Halo??? **sniffullsss** Thank you so furry much fore usin mee idea...mee iss so happy :)
Butt mee iss sad that Katie Mum iss so sick...Strep iss nastee an hertss so bad. Mee nothin like angel Unkell Siddhartha was as a Purr-amedick butt mee iss sendin yore Mumma lotss of ***purrsss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ to feel bettur soon!!
Concatulationss little orange kittss on startin on yore journey!!! Mee sendss guud wishess fore you all to find fur ever homess!!
****purrsss**** BellaDharma

pilch92 said...

You are always in my prayers. Happy Hanukkah! XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Purrs for all of you!

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh my, I do hope you are better very soon, so we be sending lots of purrs and prayers to you all. Those kittens are so gorgeous and just think they could be home with a tree of their very own, very soon.
Healing purrs

Deb Barnes said...

Hope your throat feels better soon - and we hope those sweet kitties will find a home soon, too! They are precious! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

Pam and Teddy said...

So sorry your Mom is not well....Christmas is a BAD time to be sickie. As for the babies - how wonderful they are in a foster home and will have a chance to get a forever home in the new year. We have a BIG SPOT in our hearts here for orange kitties (well - truthfully ALL animals!). Good luck little kids!

Hugs, Teddy

Katie Isabella said...

I am sorry about your mommy's strep. My mommy knows what that is like. The orange babies are precious. Thank you for helping these innocents. XXXX

Deziz World said...

We're sendin' hugs and purrayers.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad the kittens are safe elsewhere since it sounds as if your mom needs to be taking care of herself right now instead of wee kittens. We sure hope she will be well soon!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Oh your poor Mum I hope she feels better its rotten when when she could be earning and she is sick.

We love the name Halo.

Gigi said...

The Human says those orange kittens is real cute. We hope your mom is feeling better. Swole-up sore throats is nasty for the Humans. Kitties too!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Oh my gosh,those kittens are so cute! We hope your mom is feeling better soon.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We wish Mom a fast recovery and thank her from all of our hearts for helping these needy little ones. Happy Hanukkah
Timmy, Dad and Family