We are doing flashback selfies as this selfie of me was taken on 2017 8th of April. Hanukkah today we remembers Flash who went over the Rainbow Bridge May 2017. Hanukkah 2016 was Flash's furst time to celebrate Hanukkah and him asked lots of questions...
So without purr-thur adieu stuffs, Here am our Flashback from Hanukkah 2016, furst posted here on 2016 31 of December:
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... At the Secret Ninja Hideout where all the Mewzers meet from different family locations...
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Katie Kitty Too |
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Flash the Hero Cat |
Katie Too Started the Mew Song...
On the First Day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me...
Others joined in... A Picture of Judah Maccabee!
Flash: Wait... Who is Judah Maccabee?
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Angel |
Katie Too: No! Judah Maccabee saved the Jewish People from the mean King Antiochus Eppiphaneez...who wanted to sacrifice a pig at the temple. Judah Maccabee and hims brothers fought the Greeks and made them go home. Then they rededicated the temple and found oil for one day to light the menorah, but it lasted 8 days!Judah was called The Hammer, that's what Maccabee means.
Angel: but Joey said he whacked bees.
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Lulu and Joey |
Lulu: Yep that's what Joey said.
Joey the Nike Cat Hero, Flash's half brother: Oh, I thought his name was Judah Whackabee.
(Joey snuggled with Lulu, waiting to sing again)
Angel: Can we whack mousies when we done singing?
Katie Mom: sure... lets start again.
On the Second Day of Hanukkah, my True Love gave to me, Two Matzah Balls and a Picture of Judah Maccabee!
Flash: What are Matzah Balls?
Katie Too: That's like a dumpling made of flour and cooked in chickens. Bear likes chickens.
Lil Bear: but Joey said they were bouncy balls that didn't bounce.
Katie Mom: Depends on how hard the dumplings are... On to the third verse.
On the Third Day of Hanukkah my True Love gave to me, Three Sufganyot, Two Matzah balls and a picture of Judah Maccabee!
Flash: What am Sufganyot?
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Bootsie Woo |
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Sufganyot |
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Lil Bear |
Katie Too: Joey!!
Joey: Sounded better than jelly. Unless am catnip jam...
Katie Mom: Sufganyot and matzah balls are not in the same dish, Joey. Okay, on with the fourth verse.
On the fourth day of Hanukkah, My True Love gave to me... four potato latkes, three sufganyot, two matzah balls and A Picture of Judah Maccabee!!
Flash: Okay, what are potato latkes?
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Maxwell Tigger |
Lulu: Joey said they were potato latch keys made to open the door to the cat food closet.
Joey: or to the tzedakah box - the giving box fur donations and stuffs.
Katie Mom: Joey, you can't make keys out of potatoes... Fifth Verse!!
On the Fifth Day of Hanukkah, my True Love sent to me...
FIVE GOLDEN GELT!!! Four potato latkes, three sufganyot, two matzah balls... and a Picture of Judah Maccabee!
Flash: ummm... what are gelt? (wondering what Joey has to say this time)
Joey: oh that's just money made of chocolate... we can't eat those. Now if someone would make them out of cheese...
On the Sixth Day of Hanukkah my True Love Sent to me... Six dreidels spinning, FIVE GOLDEN GELT, four potato latkes, three sufganyot, two matzah balls... and a Picture of Judah Maccabee!
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Read from Left to Right |
(Now Flash had Joey's attention. He sat up excitedly)
Joey: Yes they are lots of funs... They are spinning tops and when humans spin them, you can chase them til they fall over. Dreidels in America have the Hebrew letters Nun Gimmel Hay and Shin which stands for Nes Gadol Haya Sham. (typo fixed), that means A Miracle Happened There. In Israel the Dreidels have a Pay letter instead of Shin for Nes Gadol Haya Po, A Miracle Happened Here.
Flash: Where did Dreidels come from?
Joey: Well tradition says the game started as a way of memorizing Torah when reading Torah was outlawed by the Greeks, yet the game really didn't start then. There am a good site to reads about that. http://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-origin-of-the-dreidel/
Katie Mom: Let's finish this song and then we can look at the website.
On the Eighth Day of Hanukkah my True Love Sent to me
8 candles glowing, 7 Golden Menorahs, 6 Dreidels spinning, FIVE GOLDEN GELT, 4 potato latkes, 3 sufganyot, 2 Matzah Balls... AND A PICTURE OF JUDAH MACCABEE!
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Oreo and the Hanukkiah |
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Kitty Menorah |
Oreo: That candle is called the Shamash or servant candle and lights all the other candles in the Menorah.
Flash: Thank you everfurry one fur letting me sing with you!
Now Joey and I must be off to save the worlds before the Mew Year!
(Flash and Joey run off at the speed of Light to finds hero things to do to saves the worlds, one kitty at a time.)
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<

Purrz from Chiquita who wish she could have met him.
Meow meow what a wudner full bloggie post Chiquita an Miss Katie!! Mee iss mew to Chanukkah all so an mee has leerend so much reedin yore post. an mee LOVESS Latkess an Dreidlss too!! Inn fact, mee faverite Dreidl iss a Turquoise one mee angel Aunty Nylablue sued to play with.
Mee wishezs mee mew Flash Hero Cat too; hee soundss like hee was purrty amazin! Tonite wee lite all thee candellss an mee will play Dreidl an eat sum Latke.....mmmm sour creem too....
Happy Chanukkah to efurryone there!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma
Happy Hanukkah, sweet pals! And gentle purrs to you as you remember your beloved Flash.
That was such a special way to remember dear Flash. Hugs from all of us and Happy Hanukkah.
Sending you hugs as you remember Flash. XO
Happy Hanukkah to you all! And a lovely verse you sung, even the variations were great fun, too ;) MOL
Toodle pips and purrs
OH I loved seeing all of you today and hearing your recitations and singing. AND the story too. XXXXXX always.
stopping bye with a hi de hoe
copy N paste said letz give it a go
wanna say HI & leeve a good werd
de food gurlz werkz a big bass terd
we hope this findz ewe doin swell
santaz comin ring de Christmas bell
sorree we haz ta uze copee N paste
we gotta sneekz a round with out haste
happee week if we due knot get bak
N joy two day N eatz a snak ♥♥☺☺☺
Happy Hanukkah ! Purrs and hugs to you as you're remembering your sweet Flash. Purrs
Sounds like you are going to have one interesting Hanukkah.
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