Well Mawmee n Granmawmee n us Kittehs have sum fings ta be fankful fur!!
Weze give thirteen uv dem latur t'day or tomorrowz...
cuz weze borrowin a furrindz compootur rites now.
Our inturnetz n phone gotted stolen by da ekonomee collapsin stuffoms...
we dont know what dat iz... but it must be furry bads,
like da noisee train dat runs thru our backs yard.
So pleze stay tuned... weze gotz sum purrtant stuffomz ta ask evfurryone bout our beloved Spunky and Baby who went ovfur da brij dis year.
Katie Ann Kitty Too (almost 5 yrs)
Daisy May Daffodil (1 yr)
Little Bootsie Woo (1 yr)
and our senior kitteh gurl:
Ms. Mouse E Cat. (13+)
Katie One - da Mawmee
Gran Mawmee's Cat: Miss Bibi (5+ yrs)
Marti - da Gran Mawmee
Weze give thirteen uv dem latur t'day or tomorrowz...
cuz weze borrowin a furrindz compootur rites now.
Our inturnetz n phone gotted stolen by da ekonomee collapsin stuffoms...
we dont know what dat iz... but it must be furry bads,
like da noisee train dat runs thru our backs yard.
So pleze stay tuned... weze gotz sum purrtant stuffomz ta ask evfurryone bout our beloved Spunky and Baby who went ovfur da brij dis year.
Katie Ann Kitty Too (almost 5 yrs)
Daisy May Daffodil (1 yr)
Little Bootsie Woo (1 yr)
and our senior kitteh gurl:
Ms. Mouse E Cat. (13+)
Katie One - da Mawmee
Gran Mawmee's Cat: Miss Bibi (5+ yrs)
Marti - da Gran Mawmee
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, we hope you have a lovely day and things start to look up for you all soon!
WHicky & family.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving - I hope that things get better very soon!
Wishing each and every one of you (walking on two paws, or four paws) a wonderful Thanksgiving day, and all good things to come.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving! -Gandalf, Grayson and Mom Barb (WillThink4Wine)
As long as you have each other and friends :)
We had to give up cable and internets. Now we use dial up. It's slow ,but it works.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Skittles, The Huntress
Happy Thanksgiving! (we is late we know)
We hope dat yer mom's ekonomee fing gets fixed soon :)
Oh, no! We've been offline most of the last 3 weeks with a computer in intensive care. And now we find you are offline.
We hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving! And we'll be looking for you to return soon.
I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving. I hope that the economy thing turns around for you soon.
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