hard drive am broke...
Miri Fix it fur u

Toby hand me da screwdriver!
Toby: What fur?
Miri: Gotta take da hard drive out and get all da files off dat.
(Toby hands Miri da screwdriver)
Now we put dat hard drive in da other machine.

Sammy: Otay Miri hard drive am in dehr.
Miri: Starts copyin dem files now!
Toby: Miri dem files all saved yet?

Fixin Pooters am hard work!

...Blood has been showing up in Miri's stool for the past three days. Going back to the vet this morning with a sample. Will keep everyone posted)
They look like a pretty competent computer repair team, except for sleeping on the job.
Hope Miri is okay.
How do humans that don't have cats ever get anything done?
Purrs for Miri.
I agree with Inigo Flufflebum..how does anyone get anything done without the help of our fur babies?
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