Katie was going to help Our Mama Molly 1 to take a selfie too and Orange, but the power went out in the house and we needs more light to get good selfies.
As you can see, it is a bit dark in the carrier bed without the lights on... So hopefully when the lights come on we will haz an update post with more selfies!
We are furry thankful not to be outside worried about cars and weather and bad dogs and stuffs. Katie said we still need greenies to cover our surgeries.
Mama Molly hasn't had her babies yet. We will keep you posted.

Natasha needs a steroid shot furry soon.
Can you helps her and Mama Narcisca by sending some green papers to paypal at laugh_safely at Yahoo dot com?
Since it am lates posting cause of power out and other stuffs, Katie had to go to Uncle Mike's house to use computer... We will see you furry soon with more photos and updates.
Please keeps us all in your purrz.
who am learning to likes indoor world, but not quite ready to explore yet.