Dat meenz da uver tuxie toez iz Katiez... and Katie turned 5 in Januaree!
Well weze gonna keep da mysteree ups a littel longur ta see ifns anybuddeez wants ta guess if dat funny face in our last entry coods be da noo kitty boy!! Hims almost a year old and hims gonna be furry biggur den me!
We gotz mewz bout da furry funny fotoh contest! Weze gonna havs Squillions and knitted toyz fur prizez!! Tanks too one of our contestants who donated dem! Katie showz da photohz in hur next Monday Mewz post and we update da fotoh blog dis weekend.
And now I tellz on Mawmee! Hur purthday waz diz monf - it be on da fifth day of febooaree. I dunno how old hur iz -- I cants count dat far... but weze gotted a new blog at WichitaPaws.com we just started it wif my nice cutesie photo for dis Wichita Naughty or Nice Photo Contest! I hopes I winz!! Ize da nicest and da cutest!!
Happy Valentinez and purrthdayz to all! I gotz ta go roll around on da floor and mew now.
luv and hugz... Bootsie Woo.
"Life's too short to be a lemming." -Kat Renee Kittel
Happy Purrthday and Valentine's Day!!!!!
We hopes you win the naughty or nice photo contest too!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!
And good luck in the photo contest.
Sounds like your contest is progressing.
Happy Valentimes Day and Happy Birfday to yoor mommy even if it was more den a week ago!
Hey Gang! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day!!!
I have given you an award over at my blog, tootlebugmags.blogspot.com. Stop by and pick it up sometime, ok!
Maggie May of The Creek Cats
Happy Birthday to your mum and Katie, hope your day was fun.
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