Early Saturday, I checked Maxie. His back end still looked like "him wasn't closing right."
I called Indian Hills and got scheduled for 11:30, worrying how I was going to pay - having to borrow from someone til I downloaded the pay pal greenies that everyone has been so kind to send us.
Now the wonderful newz: No fever! Dr. Johnson said the incision on one of "himz furry sax" looked freshly pink and was just healing a little off center... that's all! Maxie's not sore, so not to worry...
He also gave me pointers to look for in case I need to bring him back in - like if it reopens or starts seeping pus - and listen to this... He did not charge for the visit!!!
Now that's why I go to this doctor! He loves animals and is in the business for all the right reasons. He didn't perform Max's surgery, but he treated the appointment like a follow up visit as if he did!!
That's also why I'm trying so hard to pay this clinic the 1900 plus dollars I owe for looking after my babies... I'm having to declare bankruptcy on all my debt, but not with this clinic. Last year I tried to pay them $25 every week, but now I can barely pay them that a month. I need the Pay Pal fund to help get Daisy and Bootsie spayed and to pay on our back bill.
I also pray when I reach my goals as a successful actress and independant movie producer, that I will be able to donate to this clinic so that others can benefit from the expertise and up to date equipment this staff uses. ... gotta a long way to go... worlds ta conquer and fings ta doo.
Luv and purrz,
The Mom of the Katie Katz
Kat-Renee Purrduckshunz
P.S. Ize give a repurrt soon about deze two awardz weze gotted and who weze furrwardin dem to!! During all dis stuff bout Maxie... Daisy accidentally got outside all nite thursdee. Ifns babiez gotted concieved... we lets u knoh. -Katie Too.
Oh, no! We hope Daisy won't be having kittens!
But we're glad Maxie is doing so well and you have such a kind vet.
I am very glad to learn that Maxie is doing well, and it's awesome that the wonderful doctor saw him for no green papers!
Yay for Maxie recovering!! What a wonderful and kind vet you guys have!
I am glad Maxie is recovering, your vet sounds like a gem. Purrs and headbutts to all you guys.
How is Maxie doing today???
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