Itz still Mondee here and Toosdee n bout an hour (CST)!! Soh Daisy May n Katie Too gonna share dis postie. Weze still burrowing stuffomz ta gets our bloggin werks dun.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
Furst Late Monday Mews: we gotz dis hear Luv Ya Award frum http://tootlebugmags.blogspot.com/

...Ackshuallee Maxie iz gonna talks in a minnute too.
Herez my short tattle tail fur toosdy:Katie n Bootsie n Mousie n Me dont knohs whats ta do bout dis kitty boy. Him luvs our Mawmee... but we still votin on if himz kin stay. - Daisy.
Him seems nice, but him skarez littel Bootsie cuz....
"Him needz hiz Hoohah-ectomee!!"
(-Dats frum all uv us)
We lets Mawmee n Maxie talks now. Did anybuddee guess who dat funny face was?=^..^= =^..^= =^..^=

I luv dis mommy ladee, she been my life savur, buts Ize dont knoh whats ta do wif my hoo hahz... I finks datz everyfings sumtin ta luvz on... and I gettin bitey bout it! Ize needs less testotstironz... Mom, whatz that? I'm stuk in my dopted momz bedroom til I getz my surguree, cuz Daizy n Bootzie iz gurl katz dat not hadz dere ladee opurahuns yet!
Ize schedooled fur this Thursdee at a low cost clinik. Dey called Katiez Mawmee Monday Mornin and asked ifns she had da 35 dollarz fur dat yet! She said noh... but dey wants ta doo dis opurshun fur me if hur kins bring fifteen, but den I cants get my rabies shot. But hur dont evens have dat!! Soh pleze helps me haves a furry mirakul! I reely hate shots, but ize wants ta be a healthy boy! Pleeze use da donashun button on da upper rite cornur sohz I kins haves my opurashun and my rabiez shot! Dis lates in askin... Ize gotz til Thursday da 19th at 8am Central Time ta gets dis helps! Fanks fur ur kindness to me! Frum da sweet luving boy, Maxie Tigger.
Thanks for listening to my babiez... I do have some good nooze... uhm news. I have a small part-time job starting on Friday as a personal care assistant for a friend of mine whose husband is in hospice care. However I won't get paid until next week and only for four hours of work this Friday.
I will be working about eight to ten hours a week to start. My friend has another PCA helping, but he isn't as reliable. She is thinking of letting him go, depending on how I well I look after her husband. Please pray and purr with us that I am able to get more hours.
Thanks so much to http://tootlebugmags.blogspot.com/ for the Luv Ya Award!
"LOVE YA " award winner... These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Oh I've got teary eyez... thank u! This is a wonderful thing. I will post my eight bloggerz in our next post.... cuz I gotta feelin I'm going to have a longer list! (wif more about our funny fotoh contest, too - Bootsie Woo)
Luv and Purrz,
Katie Kat
Hey, is there anyways a kitty could pay direkly to this clinic fur Max? I's skeered tha money might not get there in time iffen we Paypal it.
We wants Max to haf him's hoo haa's fixed.
Love & Purrs,
Katie, We're glad to see you have a few hours of work lined up. It must be tough looking for work in this economy. We hope all goes well for you and you are able to get more work soon.
ML had a good idea. A lot of folks like to pay directly to the vet's office and at this late date it would sure help you.
We hope all goes well for Max!
Best of luck with the new jobbie!!! Sending pawsitive vibes your way!!
I spoke to ML and tomorrow I am going to call your vet and pay $20. It is the best I can do
Pixel, Samba and Karen
Hi, thanks for dropping by. You can definately post a screenplay. Mommy hasn't figured how to make a movie of me, thank Bast.
We sent a donation from Purrchance To Dream.
the Purries & Uncle Mo
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