Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Mom was shy bout dis

Hiya effurrybuddy

The Mom finely hads sum time to let us use da compootur.

Hur bin takin care of hur mom... we call hur Nana.

sohz here our Live Strong post now
cuz da Mom waz furry shy bout talkin bout cancer.

Dis why da Mom am shy bout dat....
see hur hadz a cancer scare long before we waz borned. Da doctor did an autopsy on da wart and waz precancerous. Soh dey used sumpin to kill all da skin round dis bad wart and it hurt a lot. Dey put silver in the area and it not come bak.

Sumtimes tumors can be as deadly as cancer.
Our daddy purson had a tumor in his kidney dat burst and him was furry sick back in 1996. Dat waz a mirackle him survived. And him also had a tumor on him brain when he was furry young - bout two years old.

Da Nana hads a brain tumor removed about ten years ago - now hur haz aphasia and severe hyperacusis, which keep her from going to normal places likes churches and walmarts.

{ the Mom here:

Aphasia is literally an impairment of language ability, which can range from having difficulty remembering words to being completely unable to speak, read, or write. Sometimes most of ability is recovered thru physical therapy.  "Nana" couldn't even speak right after surgery.

Hyperacusis is defined as a collapsed tolerance to normal environmental sounds. This can be caused by inflammation of the ear drum or dysfunction in the brain itself. A dysfunction of processing sound in the brain can even cause someone to fall while hearing a loud noise, which happens to "Nana." Both of these disorders can result from brain surgery. The "daddy purson" (my hubby) also has a milder form of aphasia and hyperacusis. Both "Nana" the "Daddy Purson" have have actually gone into a state of shock from certain loud noises. }

In Mom's fambly three other peeplez hadz tumors, two in der brains and one haz a tumor behind da eyez.  Da fambly dat hads brain tumors did not survive likes our Nana did.
We purrz fur alla da cancers and tumor survivors and dehr famblies.

Katie Ann Kitty Too


Plumablanca, the working cat said...

Iz a purrin' healin' and luv fur uz,
Plumablanca, the working cat

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure send many, many purrs and hugs to your family. Tell Mama not to be shy, we're all good listeners.

meowmeowmans said...

We too, are purring and praying for your family. No need to be shy with your friends on the CB; it's a wonderful and supportive group.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Sometimes it is hard to talk about things that happen to those close to you. Cancer has touched her life in many ways. Purrs and woofs for her being brave and speaking out on it.