MOMMMMMM!!!! WHerz our Nommiez??
WE Luvs dem!!!
Mom found deze yummiez bout two years ago at our local Dillon's (owned by Kroger - the CEO of Kroger is David Dillon!)
Dis month da Pet Naturalz peeple emailed our Mom to let hur know bout free samples we kin gets!! YAY! And dey not even knoh we bin eating deze vitamins and calming stuffs since we waz kittenz!!! How day find us??? we dont knoh.

Here am too of our furry shy scaredy babiez... Deyz my brutherz - Jordi am da white kitty wif da blue eye. Boo Boo (aka Justin) am da purrtee black kitty.
Here am me, Sir Sammy Purrzalot (tabby) and three of my brutherz, Jazpurr the Gentle (white kitty wif gold eyes) Justin da Boo Bear, wif Toby da Floofy on da far right.
Jordi da Brave and Miri Gentlepurr and Tommy da Daddy am not in dis photo. Dey am in nuther places in or near da kitchen.
We am all hanging out in da kitchen waiting fur our Treetz like real Salmon Fishy and our Pet Naturalz! Mom likes to give us all our vitamins... Save we always want more!!! But we havesta wait til anuther day.
Purrz n Stuffoms,
Sir Sammy Purrzalot.
To learn morh bouts Pet Naturals, dere website am
You can also find dem at If you would like a free trial, please go to (website no longer exists)
You can also find dem at If you would like a free trial, please go to (website no longer exists)