Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Caturday Angel Plays Fetch and Cats in Need

Hiya Folks, Angel here, still waiting for my forever home... I just finished snoopervising this teddy bear... we are donating to Winnies Wish for their auction November 7 to November 21... If you have a fun item to donate for the auction, let Andrea know!  Very good cause and helps save more kittiy lives!

As promised --- the mom finally had some breathing time to upload my video!  I loves playing fetch... (plz disregard the part where Mom Lady's back end is in the way of me and my mousie). If you are on Facebook, please help me find my forever home!  Here am the link to share of my video.​

Now an Update on Cats in Need Friend.
Last Monday, the Mom tooks Cat food and Cat Litter to our friend in Need... And then On Tuesday, the Mom tooks moneys out of our funds to cover half her weekly rent.  Sylvia is a housekeeper and usually cleans rooms for the motel she and her five kitties stay in, but one of the motel's residents started making trouble and now she has to wait until a court date in November for the troublemaker to be evicted... 

Until then, she is not allowed to work because of a restraining order.  Sylvia and her kitties need our help to pay their rent or become homeless (the motel owner is not giving her a break on rent until the matter is taken care of)

Here am a bio on each sweet kitty.
Narcisca, the Mom kitty.  She's a little shy and cautious at first... very sweet mama girl. Loves all her babies and hates when one has to go to the vet or is sick.  She did some sneezing the other night and worried Silvia. All was good in the morning.  Hope her just had gotted some dust in her nose.

Ronnie - Sometimes he eats non food stuff and throws up Last weekend... He had to go to Dr. Stabby and gets a shot... The Mom was able to pay for that shot out of the Katie Katz fund.  Ronnie is the bravest and liked the Mom very quickly... but he let the Mom know Silvia was the only Mom for him... mol.  He only kisses Silvia and loves to sit on her shoulders.

Natasha - her am very shy... She didn't come out until the second time the Mom visited.  Soo sweet and lovable.

Gordo is a big boy and loves to check new people out from a distance...  He blink eyed with the Mom though.

And last of all... Silly Guero (white).  He meets new people by crawling under the covers so he can't be seen... Yet the Mom still got to pet him... from on top of the blankies.

Well Mommy Silvia needs at least 150.00 for next Tuesday's rent... Can we all pitch in and help these sweet kitties and their Mommy???  Please use the Paypal linky below and write in the notes "For Silvia and her Kitties."  You can also go to your Paypal account and use the give to family for no paypal fees - and send to laugh_safely at

Be Safe kitties this weekend and Stay inside...  You can go to blog parties instead.

Have a safe Halloween Day.

Purrz from Angel and The Katie Katz

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunnyday Mewz - Found Kittens Go Home and Cats in Need.

Lost Kittens Returned... Thanks To Face Book
Hiya Internet Folks, 
Gypsy was lost..

My name am Gypsy and Mousies! was I ever lost! 

Last Saturday, the lady says that was October 17, I ran into Auntie Katiez house... well that's her name... You see, I wandered from home looking for Sister and found myself on wrong side of the tracks... for real... The street where I lives has a train track running through it... and a fence to keep peeples out, but no match for my sister and me, cause we be 5 month old kittens.  I was wandering up dead end street cause I smelled Sister... thought I saw her on other side of metal rail thingies... didn't know what thingies waz..I ran through fence and over tracks to other side... wait... where Sister go?
Gypsy tries to think to Auntie Katie

I kepts looking and looking and I gots hungry and thirsty... I asked alla peeples outsides... You seen Sister? Can I has waters or foods???  Everyone nice and petted me, but no foods or waters...gots really lates and then  car run into driveway... peeples got out...lady and guy....they had to be goods, smelled like kitties... turned out lady was Auntie Katie... and guy Uncle Mike.

Lil Sister Girl
oh goody... I ran ups and yelled... I hungry! Dey opened screen porch door and I ranned in.....  Auntie Katie feds me and let me stay in bathroom cause da other kitties didn't know me... On Sunnyday, I tried reeelll hard to tells her... You seen Sister Girl??? I looked real hard at her and thought and thought of faces of my mommy and Sister... and meowed. "Where Sister? Where Mommy?" 

Auntie Katie said, "I know you trying tell me where you came from, I can see it on your face... sorry honey, don't know your mommy... I will help you find her."  I slept with Auntie Katie two nights... and then Monday (19th), her was outside talking to neighbor across street... and Sister ran up and asked for foods... and guess what?  

Auntie Katie brought her inside and put me and Sister on screened in porch!!!  Hooray!  Where you been Lil Sister?  I been looking all over for you!  Sister said her wandered around getting petted and next thing she knew her waz on other side and a scary train came by!! While we on porch hanging out... Auntie Katie tooks photos. Then went to Uncle Mike's house, got on Facebook and posted our pics... Our Mommies called her right away!! 

Katie came home and we begged for boiled eggs..(my dinner... mol) dey was goods... and then off we wents home! Hooray!   Here are our together.  

They am Sisters...  We sooo glad to be home! Mousies!!!


Gypsy the Lil Kitty 

(Gypsy is the softest, sweetest kitty... and yes he tried to think to me...Sister had been lost for almost a week and Gypsy for a day when he found me -Katie Kat.)

Friend in Need of funds to feed herself and cats...
Hiya fur friends... Angel here... so glad that little boy cat am outs of my fur...  Mousies indeed!!!
Gypsy am home and not in my kitchen no more so I can play fetch with my mouses... next post the Foster Mom Katie and I will show you a video of me playing fetch! 

Well.. Foster Mom Katie has a friend in need of funds to feed her kitties...and her self. The lady's name am Silvia... One of Silvia's kitties had to go to vets cause him ate a food that gave him tummy ache... I should know about that cause I eats grain free or I gets tummy aches too.  His name am Ronnie and he went to vets... and get steroid shot... poor kitty.  I hopes I dont has to get those for my tummy.
Ronnie needed a shot for hims tummy

The shot was 35.00 and Katie paid that out of property tax funds cause we dont gets moneys until Wednesday.... And Silvia's kitties need to eats and get litter... They eats Purina Naturals which works for their tummies...and Tidy Cat Litter... Well weze gonna helps Silvia's kitties has foods and litter this week... Silvia lost her job as housekeeper and now she is out of work and her kitties has nowhere to lives but motel...

Weze gonna gets a big bag of foods and litter... just under 30.00.  Well they need the foods now...  so Katie gonna get it tonight. 
Can you helps re-imburse our funds with at least 65.00?  We are hoping to keep helping if we can...

Purrz from Angel and Katie.

P. S. I am going to talk to her about setting up a Go Fund Me so she can pay for her room, and have food for herself and her kitties... Below are some pic of her fur kids.  Please use the Paypal link on the side... let me know that the money is for Silvia and her kitties so I know how to use the funds...
-Katie Kat.

Narsisca the Mom

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Lil Bear and Kody Bagheera Update

Benjamin Lil Bear taking a bath on the couch...
(Mostly Wordless.... mol. Lil Bear is doing so much better! Thank you all for paying his vet bill. Soo thankful! He recovered quickly from his sick tummy last month... Saline injection from the vet really did wonders...)

Bagheera and Peaches
Kody haz a mew friend too... (cell phone photo from hims Mommy below...)