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Two furry good Kitties haz gone home
Two furry good Kitties haz gone home

Lexi The Service Cat of Dezi's World (aka Service Cats U.S.) has gone Home this week - Please stop by and let Mom Audra and Dezi know you are purring fur them. You can click on the photo to go there too. Lexi fought a good fight and Mom Audra fought even when she gave up. Lexi just couldn’t go on.
Audra had to be strong enough to let her go and her heart is shattered in a million pieces. Lexi was a service cat to her last breath.
She just couldn’t stop herself and save her strength. Audra's life will never be the same. She will live on in her heart and memories. She’s once again, young and healthy and free of care. Lexi loved with her whole being and gave all she had. Please stop by their blog and help Mom Audra celebrate Lexi's life of service.
The shelter has increased the price of cremation services to $125.00. Audra Mom does not have enough money. To helps with Lexi's cremation, please use Paypal and send to lexi.dezi at yahoo dot com - Donations will help Audra and Dezi's needs, overwhelming vet bills, plus training and care of a new service cat.
Sweet Little Maddox gave up the fight yesterday afternoon and quietly went Home. Maddox was sitting up on her own around noon and eating with a syringe and Mom helped her express her bladder too. Yet whatever her disease was - just too strong for Maddox's little body to bear. I pray that her foster mom's last paralyzed sweetie came to escort her over the Rainbow Bridge.
Foster Mom Jean still needs help with Maddox's bill. Jean does not have a blog and she has hidden her FB account for now due to too much heartbreak.
If you can, please consider helping with Maddox's bill which is over a thousand dollars. Just contact Call All Creatures Veterinary Hospital. 8414 W 13th St N, Ste 170, Wichita, KS 67212 at (001) 316-721-3993 and ask to pay on Jean Darby's account for Maddox. (allcreaturespetvet.com)
Purrz and thank you for your love,
Katie Kat
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Graphic by Abby Renee |
When Life Gives You a hundred reasons to cry, Show Life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
Here are some reasons to smile:
Yesterday, we asked fur 50.00 for Silvia and 75.00 came in! Thank you soo much. After all the sadness, seeing the donations really lifted my heart. Silvia may need to take Gordo in to the vet later this week, because he keeps sneezing. The extra funds will help with his vet visit.
This Kitty Baby found her special home! Nine year old paralyzed kitty girl named Spirit, at New Beginnings for Cats in Illinois, has finally found the purrfect place to live out her years in a real "home." A lady in Maine with a safe haven for special needs pets has room for this pretty girl.
Yet since Spirit is in Illinois, a volunteer named Tracy will be doing a labor of love - traveling many miles with Spirit all the way to her mew Mommy in Maine. Tracy is looking for a driving partner.
If you have time to go with Tracy or know someone who might be on the route and can physically help with food, etc., please contact mylittleforie at yahoo dot com .
Anyone who may want to help contribute to Spirit's journey - please contact New Beginnings for Cats.
(815) 472 4734 / New Beginnings Facebook Page
Yesterday, we asked fur 50.00 for Silvia and 75.00 came in! Thank you soo much. After all the sadness, seeing the donations really lifted my heart. Silvia may need to take Gordo in to the vet later this week, because he keeps sneezing. The extra funds will help with his vet visit.

Yet since Spirit is in Illinois, a volunteer named Tracy will be doing a labor of love - traveling many miles with Spirit all the way to her mew Mommy in Maine. Tracy is looking for a driving partner.
If you have time to go with Tracy or know someone who might be on the route and can physically help with food, etc., please contact mylittleforie at yahoo dot com .
Anyone who may want to help contribute to Spirit's journey - please contact New Beginnings for Cats.
(815) 472 4734 / New Beginnings Facebook Page
This Kitty Found Her Way back to the Boston Police Dept:
Just when officers at the Boston Police Department started fearing the loss of their adopted "SWAT Cat," she returned to headquarters, bringing relief and joy to officers who had been diligently looking for almost two months.
The BPD feared that Swat could have been injured or worse, dead. Boston police officers were so relieved to see their unofficial mascot girl return to headquarters on January 14.
For more SWAT Cat Returns Home
With Thankful Purrz from The Katie Katz
Just when officers at the Boston Police Department started fearing the loss of their adopted "SWAT Cat," she returned to headquarters, bringing relief and joy to officers who had been diligently looking for almost two months.
The BPD feared that Swat could have been injured or worse, dead. Boston police officers were so relieved to see their unofficial mascot girl return to headquarters on January 14.
For more SWAT Cat Returns Home
With Thankful Purrz from The Katie Katz
It wuz nice to read some good news today, tanks for dat.
We are sure sad about dear Lexi and we just hate it that dear Maddox had to go to. The sads are sticking with us for a while I think.
Lexi was a beloved service cat and is greatly missed. It's sad about Maddox too.
I am very sad about Lexi and I am also sad to see Maddox gave up, poor little baby.
I think Erins Daddy Mark was gong t send something for Maddox. I am so sorry, you moved mountains for Maddox and her foster Mom. We have commented on Dezi's page.
Spirit's story gives us hope - even now!
glad that you were able to share some good news about the Swat cats return - I must say, I am deeply touched by your blog - the kind words you share about these animals are amazing - blessings!
What a heartfelt post. We are so sorry about the loss of Lexi, she was such a special LadyCat and we are so sorry for the loss of Maddox too. We are thankful that there is so much goodness and happiness on the other hand and you really showed it with your post, so we are not leaving with tears in our eyes, but with hope in our heart. TY :) Soft Pawkisses <3 <3 <3
We are very sad to hear about all the kitties that have gone to the Bridge. We are glad that there are other things to be happy for! Merlin thanks you for the purrs.
What a lovely post.
Our purrs and prayers are with those who have lost their precious pets.
Noodle and crew
Fank you awnty Katie. We's sendin purrayers.
Luv ya'
Dezi with mommy
PepiSmartDog: awwww! We are sorry to hear about the two kittehs crossing the Rainbow Bridge - but I can tell you its a really cool place. I am a Rainbow Bridge Ambassador.
Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We really appreciate you always supporting out hop each week. Have a great week! *waves paw* :=o)
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