Double Feature Wordless and Wordy:
Silvia's Ronnie Tummy Time
(Auntie Silvia had an interview at a staffing service today...
Uncle Alex got sick working in the heat.
Please keep him in your purrs and prayers. -Katie Too)
Meet Mr. Worf and Stormy.
Hiya efurry purrcat, dis am Katie Too with my furry furst purrview.
Katie Mom met Mr. Worf and Stormy's Mom, Liz Cornish on Bonanza, a selling site, and drew a kitty fur her named Snow Bear who wents OTRB in 2001.
Mr. Worf and Stormy been wanting to share about themselves and their human Mom, cause her am struggling to finds work and they don't want to lose their furever home. Please see the end of the purview to finds out how you cans help.
They don't blog, although they mights in the future... howsumever, their Mom Liz Cornish does FaceBook and beautiful crucifixes on Etsy. You can friend and shop and ask fur more photos of Mr. Worf and Stormy!
HEEERRREESS Mr. Worf and Stormy!
From Left to Right Stormy and Mr. Worf |
Q. Please introduce yourselves and your human Mommy.
Stormy: I'm Stormy, a handsome black cat and this is my brother, Mr. Worf who is black and white. We boths has long furs. Our Mom am Liz Cornish. We've owned her for a bit over seven years. We have her very well trained now. We just turned seven on June 5.
Q. Happy Birthay! So you gots your Mom when you was furry little! How did you come to lives together?
Panda, Worf and Stormy |
Stormy: Our mom, Lily owned Liz and we were born in Roundup, Montana on June 5, 2009. I'm the oldest. Worf is the middle cat and we had a younger brother, Panda Bear. He died while we lived in Roundup. We're not sure exactly what happened. He just disappeared one night. Furry Sads.
Q. How would you describe yourselves?
Mr. Worf: Well, I'm exceptionally handsome and regal. I'm just purrfect in every way possible. I'm smarter than Stormy too. He's kind of mellow. Me, I'm very assertive. I'm the boss of the house, make no mistake. I demand attention. You'd better do what I want or else!
Stormy: Worf is right that I'm more laid back, but he's not smarter than I am. I'm smart enough to let him think he's smarter and to let him think he's the boss. I really am though. I get what I want in that way. Look, he meows for food in the morning but I always eat first. You tell me who's smarter.
Q. Has your human had other cats before? What were their names and what happened to them?
Snow Bear |
Mr. Worf: Our human has had a lot of other cats - she's been blessed that cats want her for their human. We never met lots of them, of course, but she did tell us about them. She told us about Snowbear a lot. He died from cancer in 2001. Wicker was another one. She had CRF and was nearly 17 when she went over the Rainbow Bridge. Liz says she was really cool and super opinionated. Sounds like our kind of cat!
There were the eight that died in a fire: Lacey, Badger, Sparkles, Henri, Fireball, Sparky, Callie, and Heidi. She still cries about them sometimes. Firestar and Negra - we knew them - they lived with Liz when we were born. They met an untimely sad end. Polo vanished one night. We knew him - he was super. So was Sunny.
Sunny adopted Liz the same day that our mom did. Finally there were Flame, Sasha, and Tigger - we knew all of them and we were all great friends. We got kicked out of the place we were living and mom had to put them in the shelter where they adopted acceptable humans. We're happy for them but we do miss them a lot.
Q. Do you has nicknames?
Stormy: Liz calls me Stormy Sugarplum or Stormy S. Sometimes Stormster. Where she got that I have no idea. It's not really dignified so I'm not sure I like it, but being the generous, loving, and patient cat that I am, I tolerate it.
Mr. Worf: Well, most of the time she calls me Mr. Worf, which is my proper name so I approve. When she has the nerve to get angry with me she calls me Worf. That makes me a bit perturbed. Now when she gets really angry at me she calls me Worfie. That irritates me beyond belief and I tell her that in no uncertain terms. How dare she insult me!
Q. Where do you lives and what am that like?
Stormy: We live in a very small apartment in Topeka, KS. It's a rough part of town right off a busy street so we have to stay indoors all the time now. We don't like it, but Liz wants us to be safe. Really it makes us very sad. The last place we lived we got to go outside when we wanted. We could hunt and help Liz in the kitty cemetery. Now we get to sit in the window and watch the birds outside.
Q. What kind of fun do you likes to do?
Mr. Worf: I love to chew on things. I've chewed on an iPad charger, the power cord to a vacuum, a printer cable, a track ball and shoelaces. The funniest thing I ever did was when I walked up to Liz, got the end of one of her shoelaces in my mouth, pulled, and untied one of her shoes. She got upset and yelled at me. Of course I didn't appreciate getting yelled at - I was just having a bit of fun!
Mom Lily and Kittens |
Stormy: I like to jump in Liz's lap when she's making a rosary, especially when she's trying to close a loop. Of course she can't close the loop with me sitting on her hands. She gets so frustrated! Personally, I think it's funny. All I want is some attention.
Both of us love catnip and then we like to play fight with each other and chase each other around the apartment.
Q. Have you ever blogged?
Mr. Worf: We haven't yet, but we have thought about it. The problem we think we'd have is getting mom off the computer. She's always watching stuff we don't like, like Big Brother, or airplane crash stuff on Netflix.
What kind of social media do you use, like Facebook?
We like mom's facebook stuff and we'd really like to do some ourselves. What's really cool is seeing our pictures on there, and when I got to take over for those couple of days mom wasn't feeling good - that was super fun.
Q. What would your human say she loves best about you?
Stormy: Well, I know she loves to hear us purr and she loves when we snuggle with her. She loves how pretty we are too and how we follow her around. We think that makes her feel really good.
Q. How do you help your human through stressful times?
We spend more time with her and snuggle more. We give her more kisses too, especially if she's been really stressed and crying a lot. Lately she's really been crying since her friend Fr. Mitchel is leaving. She talks about him a lot; how much he's helped her and how much she's going to miss him.
Not having a job and not being able to buy food is tough and makes her cry too. So we cuddle a lot. We try to show her we love her. As much as we hate being picked up we let her pick us up and hug us. Personally we think it's really undignified, but it makes her feel better, so that's OK with us. Also, we try not to kick kitty litter all over the kitchen.
Q. What do you like best about your human?
Mr. Worf: How kind and loving she is to us and how she puts us first - she makes sure we're taken care of before she takes care of herself.
Q. What would happen to you if your human wasn’t able to support her family?
Stormy: If it ever got to that point we would have to leave. I know she would do everything to avoid putting us in the shelter since we all know what happens there. It would break her heart and ours. She really needs a lot of help and support right now, until she can find a job.
She also has to get her health issues under control and until she gets a job and can make the co-pays that's not going to happen.
Mr. Worf: It's really tough and sometimes it's scary. But she's promised she'll always do her best to take care of us, no matter what. She's been our human all of our lives and we just can't imagine our lives without her. It makes us really sad to think about it.
If you could please help our human Mom keeps us by sharing our You Caring Page: or goes to her Etsy shop or
( and buys a rosary. Auntie Silvia got one and it am furry beautiful.
Purrz from Mr. Worf and Stormy.
Dis am been a purrview by Katie Kitty Too
Junior Interviewer, Katiez Furry Mewz
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