Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bear and Joey in a sack mol

Bear: Mom you dun wif this sack?
Bear: Wher da beef go?
Bear to Joey: You finds any beefs left in derh?
Joey: Nopes

Be sure and check backs this weekend fur a Chewy Purrview by Angel the Fetch Kitty.
Wednesday BlogHop: Protecting Pets

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Maxwell Gets Toe Loves

Do you thinks if I loves on Mom's toes enough, she will get over the flu??? 

 Well at least her will feel loved...
And Me Too...
-Maxwell Tigger.
 Wednesday Blog Hop

Monday, September 19, 2016

Meow Like A Pirate Funny Stuffs

This Day Be Meow like a scurvy pirate day but th' Mom lost our hats 'n patches... we're goin' to make her swim th' plank. (actually we don't have a photo editor...) so we brin' ye some hardyharhar thin's we found on th'  LOL CAT Ship.
(check out the Pirate Translator )
Purrz from Pirate Captain Pearl
and the Katie Katz Crew.

Tabby  Cat Club am having a  pirate pawty too

If any of you pirate cats can plunder about 75.00 to help Silvia's cats this week. Silvia is calling a temp agent everyday to get short term binding and collating work. 4 hours last Thursday, two hours today. She is calling everyday to stay on the list for the long term bindery work coming up as soon as the printouts are released.  

Admiral Mom am keeping a list of all your plundering efforts for our kitties... so we be sending you thank you stuffs fur Chrissymouse!

Purrz from Pirate Katie Too
Captain of the Computer Room

Join our Meow Like A Pirate Blog Hop! 
hosted by Mama and her Bear Cat
and Louis the dog
Time to pawty!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Pearl at the Fosters Selfie

Hello? This am Pearl. Foster Mommy Dawn helped me take mew selfies
Katie Mom am furry sick with the flu so we lates in showing all my cuteness.

I am learning lots of stuffs, like eating with other kitties, play conquer strategies, lap sitting and little barking dogs can be just silly and don't want to harm me.

I really like my foster home. Yet I am purring for my forever home that better has another kitty in it. I don't likes being alone at alls... I needs other kitty babies to plays with and to learn to loves.  Right now Katie Mom posted me on Rescue me. You can share my video too here. Looks for me on face book furry soon! Erin The Cat Princess' Dad peep is going to help me get my shots and become a young lady - believe me I don't wants children... If we lived in England, I could go live with Erin, but we lives in Kansas.

Well Katie Mom has more updates... her am furry icky sick tired and will share next time about my antics at the foster home.  

-Purrz from Pearl Electra


Just a short update to keep Silvia in your purrz, Gordo came down with UTI. She was able to take him to the vet with donations from a kind soul on Facebook.  Silvia has been giving her cats spring water to drink. I shared with her that spring water can have too much

magnesium so she is giving them distilled for now.  She was able to get a one day job last week collating flyers. The bindery job doesn't start until next week. She has to call every morning to see when there is work. We have 75.00 toward rent, just need 75.00 more by Tuesday. Please keep praying she gets a break on a long term position and place that her five kitties can stay.

-Katie Kat.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pearl at Foster Home and Stuffs

Checking out the mew place...
Pearl and Hazel
Blake, one of Pearl's Mew Friends

Pearl and Hazel
Now Fur the Wordy Parts... by Katie The Mom and Katie Kitty Too

Pearl went to her mew foster home Sunday evening.. Pearl started out in the front bedroom downstairs where all kitties get acquainted first. There she was welcomed by two kittens named Hazel and Blake and two adult kitties named Pork Chop and Mystique. Pearl had loads of fun getting to know Hazel, Blake and Porkchop. 

She met Hazel first and growled a bit, yet then started playing with her from under the big chair. Then Blake came in and she liked him immediately. Then big ginger Pork Chop wanted in the bedroom. He thought Pearl was interesting and kept his distance at first. Pearl sniffed his nose and went back to playing with the Blake and Hazel. Some words from her mew foster Mommy, Dawn:

 "(Sunday Night) Pearl slept in and under the oversized chair that no one had claimed yet. Blake slept in Pearl's carrier. They didn't move until Hazel came in with me (Monday morning)."

"(Yesterday) Mystique decided Pearl is okay to be with. Mystique likes the piano to lay on. Both were napping (Pearl on or under the big chair) when I left for my hospice visit. Pearl came out and visited with my husband. You sit down and wait for Pearl to come see you. She decided not to stay outside the bedroom... made to the doorway (when) Mystique joined her in the room... Pearl turned around and went back in the bedroom. It was funny. She thought about it."

"At my house she definitely isn't alone. She still likes the "new" big chair she claimed to sleep under. When you sit down you see her white nose poke out to sniff and then her face to watch you. Once she is out, she checks everything and everyone out and then runs and plays. My cats play hard and then nap a lot." 

Guero hanging out...
In other Mewz: Silvia and her Kitties want to thank all the folks who helped pay for rent and stuffs this week. Not only did moneys come in to pay rent, enough monies came in to pay insurance on the car and to pay for the phone this month.  

There are roofers working on the motel roof for several weeks... Natasha is too scared of all the noise and isn't eating well... Please keep her in your purrz.

Silvia will calling a temp service on Friday to see if how many people they need for a seasonal bindery job. They are hiring several people and Silvia has done this sort of work before. Please purr that this is the break we have been waiting on... Because the next step without a job is to find all five cats (6 years old) a foster home and for Silvia to live with her Aunt who is allergic to cats.

Some of you remember Jolly, Nana's neighbor's cat who went OTRB because he contracted a fast acting leukemia? After he went to Pet Traditions, Katiez Furry Mewz readers helped to pay half of his urn. Well just found out that his Mommy has not been able to make payments on the urn. About 92.00 left when Pet Traditions called me on Monday. I was able to make a 25.00 payment, thanks to the kind folks who donated funds recently.  Leaves about 67.00 dollars... I have some funds coming in furry soon that should cover fur Jolly to come home.

Our family of fosters - still have two girls, Lulu and Annie May who need shots updated and spayed. The least cost will be about 75.00 each for the spay and 25.00 each for vaccinations. Not counting cost of bloodwork before hand that if we have to, will skip and just pray alot.  Dr. Jones is the bestest spay surgeon in town and she only charges 75.00. Will get their vaccinations from Dr. Johnson who gives us discounts and uses Care Credit.  Fur Lulu and Annie May, we needs an extra 150.00

And Lastly, but not leastly, us humans, Katie and Uncle Mike are worried about Lil Bootsie who doesn't want to eat much and truly needs her tooth pulled asap. She has a resorptive lesion and we thinks that may be why she not want to eat much - at least her is being furry picky about foods.  Dr. Johnson said it would be about 325.00 for the dental surgery... and that we don't have.  

We would even be thankful if we found a way to borrow the moneys and pay back gradually since I have lots of furniture that needs to be sold. Just need to get them moved out of storage and to a place where they can be displayed and picked up...

Thank you fur all your purrz and support.  Working on a furry goods Christmas gifts surprises fur all who helped Katiez Katz this year.  On my wish list is a better program than Picture It, even an older photo shop that doesn't charge monthly (Katie Mom gots geek power so older program am okay.)  Picture It only works with XP. Will be testing the magnet sheets on the big Epson Printer furry soon. In the meantime, please checks out the Purple Kattery Auction Blog - Lots more stuffs to be added soon.

Purrz From Katie Kat

 and Katie Kitty Too,
Jr. Executive Senior Kitty (12yrs).
Katiez Furry Mewz.

Wordless Wednesdays Blog Hop

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 911 and Silvia's Ronnie

(Life will never be the same for my family...)


Ronnie takes it Easy Sunday Selfies (with Gordo)

Ronnie asks, purrtee please coulds you helps with 75.00 fur rent this week? Mommy Silvia needs lots of purrs. Her has a cold. Could you purr that her can feels goods to apply fur job tomorrow? And please purr thats if Mommy has to finds us five kitties a place to go without her that we can stay together?? We needs a mewracle one ways or the others. 

From Ronnie and Gordo
our brother Guero, Sisfur Natasha
and Mama Narcisca.

Can you help pet folks in need?


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Wordless Wednesday with Pearl

Pearl as an alien

Note: Pearl is four months old, needs funds for her shots and still looking for her forever home. 

The Mom tooks her to Arapaho Vet Clinic to be checked for ringworm... saw nothing... yay!  (although we don't likes how one the doctor handles kitties... him am too rough. we not go back there again. Uncle Mike's neighbor goes to a furry nice doctor. We might try him if he has a black light to helps us check us kitties.)

Must be some kinda miracle that so far none of the kitties am showing that we contracted the yucky meen rings from Mom...although we haz to keeps watch to make sure 
-Katie Kitty Too.
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Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday Hop