Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Itty Bitty Ninja Kitten Meeting

Hello Ninja Cat Members and Visitors, Joey the Space Cat here.

In honor of Summer's Cat World Domination Day Party yesfurday... (and World Domination Kitty Mewz)

At today's Ninja Cat meeting we introduces you to four mew Ninja Kittens and their Ninja Mom, Baby Girl.


Here am their furry first Selfie... they was borned on June 5. 

Their Mama, Baby Girl am just over a year old - borned in April 2016. Baby Girl and her mew ninja kittens are staying in bathroom fur now while they gets old enough to start their takeover training in few more weeks...

Katie Mom tooks kittens and mom fur vet checkup yesfurday to gets antibiotics fur kittens eyes. 

Baby Girl has Mysterious Fever, pawsibly caused by one of the following Ninja Cat Enemies: Zombie Dinosaurs, SPECTRE (Bond) or Chaos (Get Smart).

Dr. Johnson, a Ninja Cat Suppurrter, gave Katie Mom Clavamox, a good antidote fur Mysterious Fever.  Please keep these mew Ninja Kittens and their Ninja Mom in your purrz...

Also Auntie Silvia's Mama Kitty Narcisca has not been well, not eating right and having diarrhea... we sure could use more funds to takes her to vet and get her well too. 

To helps suppurt these Mew Ninja kittens, Mama Baby Girl and Narcsica, please paypal to laugh_safely at Yahoo dot com.

Now back to our secret Ninja cat meeting... who would likes to take secret code notes today?

 -Purrz from Joey, Nike Space Cat...

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Justin Memorial

Justin Boo Boo leaped to Heaven yesterday, June 9 at 1pm, Escorted by Flash the Hero Cat
and Puzzles' Spunky Bear (aka Boo Bear)

(photo mania supernova plus frame)

(lunapic editor)

Vet could not tell what was wrong. He had ulcers in his paws and lost weight.  Possibly auto immune disease... Yet he was eating. Too much on Justin's frail frame to run tests. He is home in heaven running free with Flash and our other babies there. I will always remember him as the little boy rolling around on the patio near his Mama. We will miss our fraidy boy who was rescued too late to bond well with people...

Psalm 36:6-7 "Oh Lord you save humankind and animals... how excellent is your unfailing love..." (paraphrase)

Thank you to those who sent money for his vet visit.
If anyone can spare some funds for Justin's urn - would be a wonderful blessing... (paypal to laugh_safely at yahoo dot com using the gift to family and friends)

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Justin Boo Boo is furry sick

Can you help Justin?

Justin is almost 7 years old but his health is not good.
He has been eating but cannot gain weight... 
He is a scaredy cat and hides most of the time. 
That's why his people didn't know how skinny he was UNTIL NOW
Will be furry hard to take to vet - 
Just the past few days has let me touch him.
He won't let my brother get near.
Think I found good vet that can handle him - bless his heart.
Will be making an appointment... 
going to need blood work to find out what is wrong.
And he can't take sedation...
I am hoping it is thyroid and can be treated

Only have so much Care Credit. 
If you can help him see the vet.
We want to save him if we can...
Please paypal a laugh_safely at yahoo dot com. 

Thank you from Justin and the Katie Katz.
Will update you on how he is doing... -Katie.