Daisy: SSssh... Mawmee is goin to a job inturvue dis morning.

Katie Too: Weze gonna play wif da compootur while shes goned.
Dens weze gonna leve hur a concatulashuns on da compootur fur gettin dis job inturvue.... an purrs dat ifns dis is rites job dat she getz it!

Any kittees who wants ta cum ovur n play compootur games is welcum!

Bootsie: Hey, waits fur me!
I wants ta play on typin bord, too!!
Very best of luck to your Mawmee for her job interview.
Paws crossed for good news for your Mawmee. In the meantime, have fun!
We sure wish your Mom the best of luck in finding a great job! Have some fun while she's hunting!
we hope your mommy finds a wonderful job she will love.
i'll come over and play computer games! fun!
Good luck to your mom!
We sure hope yoor mommy finds a great job...we play solitare on mom's pooter alla time! We love it when all da cards start falling, it looks cool.
How does that mousie taste?
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