I checked with our local paper online (Wichita Eagle at Kansas.com). To run an ad that will be in the paper and on their website is a minimum of 55.75 - must be paid in advance. If I go with the 30.00 plan - only posts online.
(crazy hunh? Wichita Eagle was never like that before.)
Can anyone help with that???
Thanks, Katie Kat

Our local paper has a free "FREE TO GO HOME" section.
Are you trying to post in the KCSTAR?
Trying to post an ad in Wichita Eagle.
Yeah... Wichita Eagle is crazy. They have no option for posting in the paper only at a reduced price or free anymore.
At least a reduced price would make sense...
Post on Craigslist.org in your area with an adoption fee of $10 per kitten. That's how we adopt out most of our fosters. Ask for the name of their vet as well, then do a check by calling the vet and asking if they think the people are good pet parents.
Also do that for your adult cats (I just read the posts below). I do home visits as well to make sure our fosters get places that match them. Hope this helps, and I'll be praying for you!
Is there a kennel around you that may board them at a very cut price?
Just now reading about this, but are there any friends that would board a cat or two for you?
If it comes to placing an ad, don't say FREE, and do make home visit to be sure they will be good homes.
Prayers and ((Hugs))
Make flyers on your computer. Take them to all the vet's offices and the grocery stores and post them on trees. You can't keep these kittens much longer or their chances for new homes will diminish each day. I know, I volunteer for a shelter.
Forget the paper ad. Truthfully, your shelter gives shots and spays and neuters. You can't get a better deal. You are doing these kittens NO good by waiting as long as you have.
You have asked for a lot of money over time and I know you are hurting to take care of yourself, let along other cats and a litter of kittens. So, take them to the shelter. You don't need an expensive ad or to ask for more money to rehome those babies. You have a shelter that will do it and will give them much more exposure than an ad in the paper.
And, if your house has been condemned, folks often don't think they will get healthy animals from homes that aren't up to par. Sorry if I sound harsh, but now is the time to get off the pot and make some moves for the babies without thinking about yourself.
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