UPDATE: OOhh pooh I iz notz famus...
dey lookt like mai toez... here are mai toez.
oh pooodiez.
Iz gotted black n pink paddiez...
pooodie poodie pooh.

Deze cutesie pinky toez was found and sumbuddy mades a LOL!
and its on da front page!
Oh mai pinky toez!
Here iz da linky!
Nows fur a purrtee goods update!
Mom and Nana just needs bout 80 greenies to makes da house paymint! We iz almohs dehr!
Daisy iz all goods now frum having milk in hur mammary glands! Mom cant beleef it! Hur not needed antibiotix! Just warm and cold compresses and hur iz all bettur!
Olivia and Munch haf noo names: Angel and Shadow. Dey iz lurrnin bout running up and down stairz and playin wif doggies and dey haf a kitty bruffur - him iz orange.
Bella n Elliott mades frinds wif a doggie who finks dey is hur children... dey sleeps togeffur and dis doggies gives dem baths and check on dem whn dey is mewling!
We dont knoh how Harlee is doin save hur haz a noo name... we dont knoh what dat is doh.
A blak hole ated up da contact papur - Mom cant finds it. We do knoh dat Harlee reely liked dis lady frum da moment hur was in da ladeez arms. And dat Harlee has a noo NOMS Shitzu Frind.
Sumtime next week Maxie is gonna be in da local papur lookin fur a noo home. Weze lets u knoh how dat is doin. Weze still gotted stuffoms in our auction site fur sale and Mom is lurnin how to sell at eBay.
Dis our too fings dehr.
Garmin Topographic Maps for GPS and Monopoly - Century of Flight (ifns u like dis one, contact me and I kin half da eBay listing to 25.00) Deze too fings seem to sell well dehr. So we try dat.
When we gets our table cleaned off, Mom kin makes sum catnip pillows!

(but dont piks me up plz)
bye bye,
Bootsie Woo
who iz furry shy and gonna goh hide now.
Concatulashuns... wow, we's impressed.
An you's famous.
I's putting this on tha CB so effurryone will know what happened.
Love & Purrs,
Concatulations to you, that's a furry funny picture!
We think you shoulda won, Bootsie! You is very funny!
Congratulation, you sure have cute toes. Purrs to you for stopping by and commenting. Have a great weekend.
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