Fursstts uvs all...since Decembur, you has kept us goin soh fars in ways u cant evens knoh. We iz alives and dat a good fing!!!
Weze wants to fanks all uvs u! If u wants a copy of Mom's orginal artwerks, pleeze email us and we kin sind an electronic copy... (laugh_safely at yahoo dot com)
Luvs, Katie Too n Bootsie Woo

Please take time to read.... I am very serious... My babies may depend on you for their lives.
All purrayrz and actions on their account are furry welcome. I have put off posting this for several days. Their welfare is my main concern - for a place for them to live...(And if peeplez donts knoh dey cant helps. - Katie Too)
We iz preparing for the Worst Case Scenario....(and purraying for as best as can be... when ya don't prepare, things get even worse.) This is furry badz... as Katie Too wood say.
Please Post a link on your blog.
My grandparent's old house, the house I am "living" in, is not up to city housing code. My mother is responsible for the house. They sent her a note last month detailing all we need to do to fix it...
Somehow the letter got mixed in with unimportant mail and junk. She found it about two weeks ago... The news was too much for her to deal with at the time... very long list. We haven't called city inspection yet about an extension and the "deadline" is the 6th. Since Mom's brain tumour surgery, she has trouble with numbers. She thought it was the 8th. Still doesn't give a lot of time. And since my husband's legal incident, I have very few options of friends who have carpentry and finish work experience.
I did try a possible avenue to help us work on the house - that fell through. I will try calling tomorrow for an extension - they will make us take down the electrical line going from Mom's house to my grandparent's...(It's construction grade in wall type stuff.... still not code to wire one house with another) Which means no electricity at all - no a/c. The house is old Victorian and two story. Stays fairly cool. I will have to sort out opening windows. They may even placard the house and the babies and I will have to move out quickly before they do so!! (I purray fur a better case than that!)
There is another piece of property in my deceased stepfather's name. Needs a work, but not as much as my grandparent's house. Still not in livable condition inside until someone seals all the wood from a flood of water damage several years ago. (and I mean a flood) I can stay on someone's couch, even downstairs in Mom's house... but lots of things have to go!!! I don't mind that...
Bottom line is... no place for the babies to go...
Until that wood is sealed...no telling right now when that will be. I may know a self employed remodeler who can do the work, but no idea how we can pay him. And then no telling yet how good his work is or if sealing will take care of the musty problem and make the house livable.
The Special Kitty Unit (Elliott, Olivia, Munch, Harlee and Bella) and Maxie should be able to find homes through the Kansas Humane Society. Right now they are waiving the adult adoption fee... Max loves kittens and other cats... he's a big fat boy who loves kisses, playing track ball and needs to lose weight! I will be taking them to KHS either tomorrow or Friday.
Daisy is laid back and easy going and willing to do stuffoms, which is why she would do so well in a comedy film that has been postponed until further notice. I could find her another home... I love her sweet gentleness... If I have to, I can relinquish her to KHS. But if I keep her, KSH will spay her for thirty dollars when I relinquish her kittens... who turned 10 weeks old yesterday.
The Kansas Humane Society's current goal is that all "adoptable" animals will not be euthanized... a goal they would like to reach in five years. They have a new facility and lots more space... with puppy rooms, doggy rooms and kitty rooms -an amazing accomplishment so far!!!
That leaves what they mean by adoptable and how far are they willing to go to find homes for animals that are just hyper or old or just need a little more attention? And what are they going to do with "adoptable" animals in the next five years? What are the odds that some cat is going to be put to sleep?
If the kittens are not adopted out... I can redeem them for 85.00 a piece and look for homes for them myself???
When I relinquish them, I'm going to ask everyone in the blogosphere to call the KS Humane Society that we all are rooting for the Special Kitty Unit!
My three other cats may need the help of all the cat blogosphere to find a place to live.
I have to find Mouse a "retirement home" the KS Humane society isn't making a place for such babies (that I'm aware of) - Mouse is 16, old, no teeth, needs lots of brushing, a piddle pad, cuz she physically can't stand still while plooping... and she purrs alot when loved... she growls at other babies (doesn't mean much... just likes being left alone in a corner)
I will drive halfway to anyone willing to take her in...
Katie Too and Bootsie may need an emergency home until things get better. I would be willing to meet anyone half way who can look after them. I will send money for their care... until I can bring them back home.
A bit of Katie / Bootsie Background: Katie Too and Bootsie are partially feral - not the best socialized.
Little Bootsie had a horrible trauma as the smallest kitten in a salvage yard. A big tom tried to kill her. Left a wound in her shoulder. Thank God I was able to discover that and get it drained. She lets me pick her up, but doesn't like cuddling. She growls but doesn't meen it. Just shy and scared of being attacked again. When relaxed, she likes her tummy rubbed. She still needs to be spayed. I think she is healthy enough now for her operation.
As a kitten, Katie Too just walked into a friend's house like she was on a mission to find her place in the world... My friend didn't keep her in the house most of the time until a few days before I came to pick her up and then they were keeping her in the bathroom. Their kids had made her quite hyper...and swatted her nose for being "bad." I had a long time helping Katie learn that banshee hissy fits were not acceptable. She loves to sit in laps of people she knows now, but she has her own purrsonality... and will go into a long vocal chirpy tirade of how things aren't right!
She hates carriers, but puts up with them now... oh you should have seen her as a six month old tearing the living daylights out of a cloth carrier when I took her to the basement during a tornado warning. God, she is so smart. She used to love taking things apart. She could tell that things opened, came apart or didn't belong somewhere. She took the drain grid out the bathtub and carried it to the foyer to play with!
Sincere Purrz, Katie Kat,

aka Kat-Renee Kittel
Please email fur address.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
I's posted a linkie on tha CB so effurryone can know about this.
I'll bet we gets some good help an ideas from others.
We's purring fur you...
Have you tried Best Friends Animal Sanctuary?
They are huge and may be able to help you out.
We are keeping all of you in our prayers and thoughts.
We will be purring for you. We wishes we could offer more concrete help. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
All we can do is send you rumbly purrs and our hopes that something can be worked out where you and the all the kitties will be safe. We will keep our eyes out online for any ideas that may help.
Big hugs and love to you all
Whicky Wuudler & Family :)
what a terrible story! I wish I could come and help somehow.. many many purrs for a miracle for you from all of us.
Fanks fur stoppin by - even tellin dis story helps to finds pawsibilitiez... We iz hopin to move from Grandma's house and inta da other house within a month -- ifns we kin get dat woods fixed and sum other stuffoms done!!
Have you tried contacting your local churches? They usually have groups of people who are willing to donate their time and sometimes supplies to help out people in your situation, and they have a wide range of professions to draw on.
Tara - mom to Camie's kitties
This is really terrible news. I really hope everything works out for you.
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