Look... Weze Growed!
And still fits in one chair!
Miri in the back, Sammy in the middle and Toby in the front. Still got some Rexness going on... There are two main Rex mutations:
Wavy/Kinky underfur without guard hairs (Devon & Cornish - passive gene) and Curly guard hairs (Selkirk - dominant gene).
My babies seem to have some kind of incomplete dominant...
Can't see Toby's white bib and toe in this pic. Toby is getting more guard hairs in, but his fur is still curly and the guard hairs are wacky looking.
Miri and Sammy have an appointment on Monday. Sammy will get checked for FeLV. Sammy is sneezing and Miri is still hacking once in a while. I hate Miri to go on Clavamox again.
Miri just started having good bowel movements versus diarhea from the meds killing good and bad bacteria. I am giving her acidophilus and flax seed to help her gain back the good bacteria.

Two of my shy babies are getting a bit braver. Jazpurr of soft white fur (wavy tummy furs) and Justin of smoky fur. Thought Justin was a black kitty, but all of his furs are white tipped in black. Hardly any guard hairs on Justin, just kinky underfur tipped in black. Him is furry purrty, furry shy yet likes being held and him loves to be with Toby, gentler black sorta tuxie boy.
Jazpurr is also sneezing now. Gonna have to figure out how to quarantine some sniffle kids from the non-snifflers... or just give them all meds?!?
Below is Mr. Cranky Jordi of coarser fur and kinky whiskers. (Bi-color Rt yellow eye, Lft blue). Still responds to being picked up, tummy rubs and back skritches. Furst he has to hiss at you to let you know him not happiez unless you givez himz chicken. Den him happiez. Maybe him has itchy fur from bad fleez n and grumble tummy dat needs acidophilus... hmmm dats good idea.

Just purchased a new product from PetSmart. A topical between the shoulders that uses natural stuff that fleas hate, like mint and citrus! Can't wait to see how it works. Just couldn't see using something else on sniffle, sneezy furr babiez.
And made a new friend who can help me find homes!! And she also wants me to draw her 8 cats! She actually had one her cats at PetSmart! Sweet long haired white boy with the pinkest nose.
I am going to start giving them an herb blend on a regular basis that is good for their liver, which can get overworked with FeLV.
Just found this at Animal Wellness Magazine:
"Although Lexus continues to test FeLV positive, she remaind symptom-free until February of last year, when she had a severe asthma attack which was quickly alleviated with a properly administered homeopathic remedy. After her attack, Lexus vet started her on a glyconutrient and has remained symptom-free ever since. She no longer has fevers, lethargy or poor appetite, has gained some much-needed weight, and happily rules her guardian's house."
Interesting.... I'll ask my vet about it.
Katie Kat.