Dearest Furry Friendz of the Internetz...
Katiez Katz stay with different family members.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mom am gotz art fur Bear Bills

Miss Laura Belle
Hi Furry Friendz!  

Please tell your Moms and Dads that our Mom Katie has artwork up on eBay!  Any funds fur those sales will go toward Lil Bear's nootering bill.  The Mom hopes to haves more arts and other stuffs fur sale soon.  

Later the Mom says her will makes more art to helps us gurls get our surgeries and fur Oreo too!  Sum stuffs might be put at her Bonanza booth.

Here am two of the paintings her done that am on eBay.  Dey am in the Nibblefest Art Contest(NFAC ART on eBay) All NFAC art starts at .99 and goes up from there. 

The Lilac Siamese kitten is 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 and already has a bid!  But the sale can't help our bills if the painting doesn't get more bids! Even ifs u cant bids, plz share in your purrsonal pages and stuffs on blogs, Facebook and Twitter so that Mom can pay our surgery bills.  Bidding ends on Feb 27th. 
Here am the link to Mom's purfile

Lilac Kitty Dreamz

ACEO Rosy Rain Cloud
Oh and Lil Bear will tell about hims vet adventure and why he grabbed the vet's shoe in the next post.

Purrz n Stuffs,

Cats in need in Kansas:
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lil Bear Update from Mom

Newz Update.

Lil Bear did not get neutered today after all.  

Thirty minutest after I left him at the vets, Dr. Johnson called and asked me to pick him up. This is what he told me.  Bear had been fairly calm until they tried to put him in a kennel to wait for his surgery.  He freaked out in the kennel.  Johnson and his assistant tried to put him back in his carrier where he might feel safer, but he slipped away and jumped on the floor and bit the doctor's shoe.  Dr. Johnson was also doing surgery on a dog this morning.  So my guess is that Bear was afraid of the dog and the whole strange situation.  (He's such a Momma's Boy.  I'm his security blankie... If only I was a vet assistant.)

Long story short - Bear's surgery will be re-scheduled and Dr. Johnson came up with a plan to give him some anesthesia before taking him out of the carrier.   

Thanks for all the Purrz and Prayerz.  Will keep you all posted.  Next time, Joey - don't tell Bear silly stories.  Purrz, Katie Kat.

Plz Purrz for Lil Bearz Nooter Today

Shhh.... don't tell mom.  I'm hiding behind the speekerz... Todayz my nooter this morning and weze suposed ta leeves in an hour... (7am).

But Joey saids dat nootering meenz the vet turns you into a baby kangaroo.

Toby said dat nootering meens your hair grows all long and curly.

Doobie said nots to worry. Nootering just meenz your boy bumpies get smaller and you can sit up and beg for food easier.
Doobie Davy

I dont know which one am rights so I'm hiding til Mom tells me which it am...  Duz you guyz knoh????  Do let me knoh in the commints. 

Well plz purr fur me today.... At least the vet said my bloods looked all goods wif no worries.  Just showed I had a vaccination fur distemper already.

But I hope I dont turn into a baby kangaroo or get long curly hair likes Toby.  Hez lazy...

Lazy Toby
Will let you know tonights If
I'm a kangaroo or not.

Lil Bear.

(side note - Bear's Mom passed away after she was spayed ... so Dr. Johnson will be watching Lil Bear for any signs of problems with anesthesia. - Katie the Mom)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Furry Good Valentines and Bear Mewz

Hope all our Furry Friends had a wonderful Valentines...
Purrz of thanks to all who am purring fur our Mom and stuffs.

Here am Miri and Sammy when dey was younger

The Mom saw a nurse on Friday the 7th.  Her gotted pills... yucky.  and still her shoulder am hurted. Silly doctors... her needs a pain shot not yucky pills! 

Please keep the Mom in your purrz.... and me too...   

I wents to see da vets last Friday... da vets needed my bloods fur Valentines...
Dats was furry weird... and him trimmed my nails.  Den Mom, Uncle Mike and me wents to Pet Smart.  I likes dat place.  Mom always gives me sumpin to eats...  and den home agin.  

Mom say me going back to Vets fur sum surgery called nootering.  Me thinks it must be sumpin good cuz after dis nootering, I kin be wherevers I wants in the house and I can play wif da girls agin!  Ize not haves to be in Uncle Mikes bedroom or da compooter room alla time.  

And Mom say I kin haves a Cat Miztvah Pawtee after dis nootering stuffs.  

Me tells you more later cuz I dont knows when dis nootering stuffs gonna happen.  

Da doctor supposed to tell Mom if my bloods shows dats all my insides are goods so I can have surgery.  Me lets you know what my bloods saids after dat doctor tells Mom.

Purrz and Lots of Meows,
Lil Bear

Friday, February 07, 2014

Katie Mom am hurted and Furry Mewz

Hello?  Hellooo!?!  ANybodiez dehr?  dis am Lulu...  somebody needs to tells our innernets frinds dat Katie Mom hads a birthday on Feb 5th....

but da Mom haz a painful right shoulder fur almost a week now and so here i ams trying to figurez outs how to type on keybords.

So me tries to updates fur you whiles the Mom am all hurting.... 

Da pinching pain was so bads last weekend dat her whole hand went sleepy and her couldn't move her fingers!  Tuesday her shoulder popped and her could feel her hand better, but it still am furry hurting.  Mom say da pain am called excruciating.

Katie Kitty Too
we ams snowed in here and the mom cant drive the truck cause her shoulder and nanas car gots a bad rim wif flat tire. Uncle Mike gets off works late....  and all dis snow in da ways!

Pleaze purr fur Mom's shoulder and dat her can see a doctor furry soon...

oh and Katie Kitty too hads a gotcha day in January.  Her am eleven years old now.

Lil Bear am scheduled to gets nootered next weeks if the Mom can gets over her painful shoulder so her can take him in.

Me and my sisfurs Laura Belle and Annie needs our surgeries too and cause of da weathers, Oreo am still in da bathroom!  Him needs nootered and a forever home furst so he can gets outa da bafroom! Him talks alot.  He even calls us other kitties by our names just cause him heard the mom saying dat... like Laura Belle am "Wahrah Beh"  And him plays wif laser toys n stuff. 

When her shoulder not hurting, the Mom will be putting all us foster kitties up at and making bio pages fur us here on dis blog.

Please purr fur Katie Mom that her right shoulder gets better and wish her happy purrthday.

Yours Truly,