Photos from Molly Mom and Kittens at vets on Monday... Mom was being examined, while kittens figured out the world of slippery floors and sitting on shoes... At one point, two of the girls decided shoes were a good alternative to the floor... One sat on my sandal.. and the other on the Vet Assistant's Shoe.
For Wordless Wednesday.
And The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee - Comparing Notes on Slippery Floors and Sitting on Shoes.
Fur Thankful Thursday...
We ams thankful to go to vets on Monday and gets our eyes cleaned... and auntie biotix.
And that the Katie Lady tooks 34 fleas off us little babies on Wednesday!!!
(using of all things, Tuna Vegetable Oil - Molly cleaned it off afterwards)
And that the Katie Lady tooks 34 fleas off us little babies on Wednesday!!!
(using of all things, Tuna Vegetable Oil - Molly cleaned it off afterwards)
FYI- Molly and the kittens came from my mother's neighbor, a single mother who is very overwhelmed financially...
Although Angel, the other cat I also picked up at my mother's neighbor, was out of food and water at the time she was not thirsty or hungry. However, Angel was in the basement because one of the dogs kept trying to hurt her. Angel and Molly do not get along and have to be in separate rooms.
At the time I
picked Molly and kits, Lifeline Animal Placement and Protection (LAPP), the only no-kill shelter in town, had
recently pulled two mother cats and kittens from the kill shelter to keep them from being PTS for simply being kittens and a mother cat. LAPP had no room for more kitties.
So I took Molly, kits and Angel in, even though I had no place for them and was overwhelmed at the prospect of
looking after more sweethearts...
Long story short about what was wrong with the house (that needs to be sold) mentioned in a previous post. Will share a fuller story later...
The house where Molly, kits and Angel could stay had something wrong with the water and a weird odor through out. I was getting congestion and thought it was the mineral ceiling tile dust, although that tile is still bothering me. I couldn't see how I was going to be able to keep everyone there and spend the nights with the kits, when every time I ran the water, there was this awful rotten egg smell. The weekend of the 6th I called the water dept and left a message. They called me back on Monday, the 8th. All I had to do was set the hot water heater on the highest setting for at least three days! A heat resistant bacteria had settled into the hot water heater! And that poor house had been like that for months and months and I thought it was something coming from the water supply, since the house was close to the river... duh.
Well I ran the heater on high for 3 days and the majority of the odor disappeared and I was able to breathe in the house again! However I'm still using bottled water. The hot water heater needs to be drained to get rid of the dead bacteria... the water still smells like dingy dirt... and I'm going to get a water filter for the kitchen sink. And a whole house filter later.
Purrz of More Kitten Mewz Furry Soon... -Katie Kat and Molly.
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Purrz of More Kitten Mewz Furry Soon... -Katie Kat and Molly.
Squeeeeeel! Those kittens are sooooo cute.
I am sure glad you are getting things under control. Those sweeties sure are cute!
Such cute kittens! We had never heard of bacteria in the hot water heater. That's pretty scary!
Never had this awful smell coming out of my water before. The man at the water lab said it was common with houses that have sat for awhile before being sold (at least in this town...we have an algae problem). I got the small 2 bedroom bungalow in 2012 as an owner carry for a transition place, until the market opened up, and I could try for a real home large enough for Mom, all the cats and me to live together, but have not been able to get all the remodeling done to even live in the house. Now it's time to sell it. More about the little bungalow in another post....
From the beginning, had a problem with musty smells in the house and traced down and worked on several culprits - a closed in crawl space area, cracks in the basement, leaks in pipes to the washer, and a leaky main drain pipe. Then after the sewers were cleaned last year, this rotten egg smell would not go away, no matter how long I ran the water. Just this last month, it was so bad, I didn’t even want to go in the house. I turned off the hot water heater, thinking I needed to replace the two year old heater, and called the water department only to find out the fix(?) was to turn the heater back on the highest setting for 3 days to kill the bacteria! In all my 50 some years... never had that problem before.
Thanks Brian, you're the sweetest!
They are really sweet kitties, even if it does look like the girls are trying to cover brother up... mol
Aaaaaw Those awe sum pawsumly cute kitties fur suwe. and dat Molly is vewy purretty. And meez suwe yous get mowe advice and tips than yous evew wanted, and meez suwe yous purrawly tiwed of me givin' yous advice, but weez hav weally abd wayer in ow town. It be so bad da city employees come wound evewy year wiff notices dat tell us not to dwink or cook wiff da tap wayer unless weez use a top notch water filter. So mommy invested in sum dat nevew need da "filters" changed and last 7-10 years. Da water has tested out purer than distilled water bought at da store. Yous can get them in a foo diffewent places, but here's 1 link fur them ifin yous wanted to look at 'em. They be a little mowe spensiv up fwunt, but member, they ast at least 7 years and no buyin' and changin' filters.
(( and by da way, ifin yous wuld wather weez keep ow pinions to owselves and quit offewin' advice, just let us know. Weez won't be offended, and weez will still visit and comment. Weez know how it can get ovew whelmin' wiff all da peeps givin' yous advice all da time. Hope yous hav a wunnewful day and so glad yous found out what wuz wong and wuz an easy fix.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
oh but Dezi and Lexi, weze luvs ur opinions! you makes us feel furry loved. And thanks for the filter link... the Mom has gotted stuffs from HSN afore so dat be a goods fing. We checks out dis dat filter stuffs... I helps Mom looks at da pictures...
Luvz, Lil Bear who has to sleeps in Moms lap while at the pooter
and talks while doing so.
PepiSmartDog: Awwwww! So cute!!! *cute alert* The little kittens are just way too cute.
Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop last week.
Hope to see you gain this week because we always enjoy reading your posts.
*waves paw* :=o)
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