Just a few days ago Miss Peach helped me write a blog post about Giselle and her kittens, and especially about the loss of Bibi, my mother's long time companion.
More than enough money came in to help Bibi come home, thru Facebook funding and Paypal - most of it thru Paypal, thankfully since Paypal sends funds immediately whereas Facebook may take weeks to receive.
I am overwhelmed because not only did we need funds for Bibi's urn but I lost two days this week looking after Mom - we needed more than just for Bibi's homecoming.
Thank you all my dear friends from the depths of my heart. Bibi was very special. We don't know what her life was like for her first three years, save she was left behind when a family moved out of my neighborhood.
One Friday in 2004, sometime in March or April, Bibi showed up in my back yard, eating some cat food I had left out for another abandoned kitty. I sat down on the porch and she crawled into my lap. Her tummy was plump. Was she pregnant? She stayed in my lap for a long time as I wondered about where this sweet kitty came from. Finally I picked her up as she protested and carried her into my garage where I sat her down. She hated being picked up! For days I tried finding where she came from. I tried bringing her with me from house to house. She refused to go back outside!! Scared to death of being abandoned again.

The only thing I found out was that a neighbor a block away had been feeding her. I told Mom about her and she hoped that this cat would be a good replacement for Kitty who had passed away in January on the anniversary of my brother's tragic death. She stayed in my bedroom for several days while I made sure she wasn't pregnant. In fact we found a small tattoo, indicating she was fixed. (Vet confirmed this on her first checkup.)
Finally my stepfather came and picked her up to take her home. The moment she saw my mother, she claimed one of the pillows on her bed! From that moment on, she was Mom's Bibi or was Mom Bibi's big baby? After my stepfather passed away in 2006, every night Bibi made sure Her big human baby was tucked in and going to sleep before Bibi went night night in the other bedroom. Bibi called Mom "mah" and she would always say "mah" to let Mom know she was going into the other room.
Bibi was funny about toys too. Either she played with the feather toy if Mom played or she took her stuffed toys and placed them in specific hiding places, but never played with them. If anyone moved her toy, she got upset and put them back. We think that Bibi may have had kittens before she was fixed and perhaps they were taken away from her too soon.
Thank you all from Angel Bibi and Mom for Helping with getting our sweet Bibi's urn. Although Mom stayed at home and could not go to the vets with me because of tummy flu, at the moment that Bibi went over the Rainbow Bridge at the vets, Mom heard Bibi say "Mah." Bibi told Mom that I am just going into another room - I will see you again...
oh Lord, You save both people and animals. How great is your unfailing love
that we take refuge in the shadow of your wings. -Psalm 36:6-7